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라트비아 일일언론동향 (9.27)

주 라트비아 대사관



Newspaper Review

  • I.Politics


  • II.Economics

  • a.Municipal budgets will increase by about EUR 230 million next year – Minister of Smart Administration and Regional Development

  • b.Proposed solution to reduce contributions to second tier of pensions is not optimal for society in long term – Bank of Latvia President Kazaks

  • c.Local governments invited to apply for EU funds for purchases of zero-emission vehicles

  • III.Official Statement from MoFA, President of Latvia office, Cabinet of Ministers, Saeima

  • a.At the G-20 Ministerial Meeting in New York, Baiba Braže stresses the urgent need to reform the UN and international institutions in line with present-day challenges

  • b.Saeima decides to increase criminal liability for illegal party financing

  • c.Saeima decides to ban TV and radio advertising of beer and wine discounts and prices

  • d.Saeima freezes state funding to political parties for a year

  • e.Saeima supports electronic surveillance of accused/suspects in second reading

  • IV.Korea and Latvia Relations


  • V.North Korea

  • a.Russian Foreign Ministry: "North Korea's Denuclearization Already Considered a 'Finished Issue'"

  • b.North Korea Registers Used Ships with IMO...First Move Since Controversy Over Deleting Naval Ships

