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Notice Guide to the Visa Application Process by DHL in Mauritius


Guide to the Visa Application Process by DHL in Mauritius

★ Please ensure that exactly 40 USD / 60 USD is deposited into our Bank account. It is imperative that the amount is neither more nor less than this. The applicant must cover all transfer fees, ensuring that the exact amount of 40 USD / 60 USD is received in our Bank account. Failure to meet this requirement may result in the payment not being recognized as a visa application fee. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

1 . Please verify your identity with your passport with our consular assistant in Mauritius, Mr HAN.

  Bring the original and a copy of your passport to him. After checking the documents, Mr Han will sign a copy of your passport. (foreign resident in Mauritius needs to bring the Visa and Resident card also.)

  - Mr. HAN's phone number : +230-5717-2689

 ■ In case of foreign resident in Mauritius: After checking the documents by Mr Han, you need to get a notarised copy of your passport and Residence Permit and Visa from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (You need to have your passport, Residence Permit and Visa apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mauritius.)

2. Prepare all documents of Visa (Short-Term Visa)


Required Documents to be prepared by Applicant

 A visa application form

 A recent identity photo taken on a white background (3.5 x 4.5 cm)

 An original passport with a validity of at least 6 months

 A photocopy of the first page of the passport stating the identity of the applicant

 Certificat of Employment and Official documents about your business

 (If student) School certificate

 (If government officialBusiness trip order and administrative certificate

 Bank statement for the last 3 month

 Criminal record

 Certificate of residence

 Round-trip air ticket

 Hotel reservation in Korea  

 Detailed Project Plan for the Visit to Korea (The form is flexible / Provide information for the entire duration of your stay in Korea / Specify the DATE, PLACES, ADDRESS where you are going)

 Visa fees 

 A signed copy of your passport from Mr. Han

 In case of foreign resident in Mauritius: Copy of your Mauritius visa and residence permit with apostille


Documents to be prepared by Inviter (Korea) 

 Official invitation letter from Korean business partner (in Korean)

 Guarantee Letter from Korean Business Partner (in Korean)

 Certificate of Registration or Certificate of Trade Register of the Korean business partner (in Korean)

   (A Copy of Registration Certificate of the Korean Company) 

 Transaction history details between you and Korean Company

 Copy of Korean Inviter's Identity Card (in Korean)

3. Send all scanned documents via email to the Embassy for verification.

  E-mail address : tsiafoy@mofa.or.kr / ambcoreemg@mofa.go.kr

 ■ Please make sure to send the scanned file in PDF format

4. After receiving confirmation of the scanned documents, send your passport and other documents by DHL to our Embassy 

  Once your documents are ready, please send them to our Embassy by DHL. You will also need to pay a return fee to DHL so that we can send your passport back to you.

  The original passport must be enclosed in a DHL envelope.

  Embassy address : Ambassade de la Republique de Coree, Villa Pervenches, Lotissement Bonnet, Ivandry, 101 Antananarivo, Madagascar

  Visa fees must be paid by bank transfer in US dollars.

 40 USD for less than 90 days / 60 USD for more than 91 days

  You are responsible for all transfer fees, which means that exactly $40 or $60 must be deposited into our USD account. The sender's name must be your name.

※ Bank adress : Agence Fitaratra Ankorondrano Antananarivo 101 Madagsascar

5. Your original passport and approved visa must be received by DHL


 Once you have been notified by the embassy that your visa has been issued, you are required to contact DHL directly to arrange the collection of your original passport and visa from the Embassy of Madagascar. Please note that the Embassy will not contact DHL to send the original passport and visa to you. 



  • The passport must have a minimum of 6 months of validity remaining at the time of the visa application.

  • The visa application form must be completed in English or French (the handwriting must be legible and preferably in capital letters). All fields pertaining to the applicant must be filled out.

  • If the visa application form is not completed correctly (illegible handwriting, erasures), it may lead to complications in the visa processing.

  • The visa processing time is a minimum of 10 working days. The visa application is considered received once the application documents have arrived at the embassy by DHL and the exact visa fee has been received in the embassy’s bank account.

  • Visa fees are non-refundable after the submission of your application.

  • Please be informed that all documents submitted for the visa application will be retained by the embassy.

  • Upon completion of the processing, the passport will be returned by DHL at the applicant’s expense and risk.                                   
