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장관, 국제기구 진출 설명회 축사

2008-05-15 11:31:00

                    < 국제기구 진출설명회 장관 축사 >
                                                   2008. 5.15  연세대학교

Honorable Prof. Kim Han Joong, President of Yonsei University,
Distinguished Guests from International Organizations,
Organizers and Sponsors of this Job Fair,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to thank the distinguished guests here from various international organizations for joining us today. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to Yonsei University and UNDP-Korea for all their hard work in organizing this timely event, as well as JoongAng Daily and KBS (The Korea Broadcasting System) for their valued sponsorship.

May I say that it is always good to be among young students like you. I feel renewed by your presence because it makes me feel like I'm in my twenties again.

As you all may be aware, after Mr. Ban Ki-moon assumed the post of Secretary-General of the United Nations, more Koreans than ever before have become interested in working in the global arena. As of December 2007, about 300 Koreans are working in 41 international organizations. This is more than twice the number in the year 1991, when Korea joined the United Nations.

Although this represents a considerable increase in a short period of time, the reality is that Koreans are still under-represented in most international organizations. In addition, many people do not find it easy to get the full details of the job requirements, such as what exactly the work entails, or what would be expected of them once they are hired.

Against such a backdrop, we have decided to hold today's event. The "JOB FAIR for Career Opportunities in the United Nations System" is the first such event of its scale in Korea. And, I am very pleased that so many renowned international organizations have gathered here. I am quite confident that both the participants and the international organizations here will all benefit today, by learning more about each other.

It is said that government support and financial contributions are important factors for employment in international organizations. However, as you would all agree, what really matters is the talents and qualifications of the individual applicants. To become a competent international civil servant, you need to possess vision, dedication, and professionalism. And, just as important are language skills.

Once you become a qualified candidate, the government can help you find the right jobs. For this end, the Korean government has been providing a number of services including operating the International Organizations Recruitment Center, and running the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Program. Another important initiative in this regard is the hosting of the United Nations National Competitive Recruitment Examination. And, we also provide information on vacancies to relevant candidates.

We plan to build even further upon these valuable endeavors.  In the near future, the government will draw up and implement a more coordinated plan to actively support young and capable Koreans who wish to work in various international organizations. This is in line with the new administration's national agenda of contributing more and better at the international level. It is also in keeping with its policy of focusing on further developing the talents of our youth.

Despite a relatively small landmass, limited natural resources and various other constraints stemming from the division of our peninsula, the Republic of Korea succeeded in achieving remarkable economic development and full-fledged democracy. In my view, this was largely due to the fact that Korea is rich in talented, diligent, and highly educated people, with a "can do" attitude. I am sure that such traits will also prove to be valuable assets in the international fora. Just as the earlier generation contributed to building the Korea of today, I believe that younger Koreans can make valuable contributions to the world, as civil servants of international organizations.

As I mentioned earlier, this is the first time that over twenty high-ranking officials from the Human Resources departments of sixteen international organizations have all come to Korea at the same time. I would like to thank our honorable guests once again for travelling all the way to Seoul.  It is my sincere hope that you will be able to fully see for yourselves the great passion and aspiration of young Koreans.

I hope that all the participants at this Job Fair will make good use of this opportunity to get as much information as possible directly from those in charge of personnel affairs in the leading international organizations represented here. I am confident that as Korea seeks to contribute more to the world, a greater number of young Koreans will be able to play their due role in various international organizations.

In closing, I just want to remind you of a well-known proverb - "Where there is a will, there is a way". I wish you all good luck and success.

Thank you.