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제3차 혁신적 개발재원 리딩그룹 총회 환영사

2007-09-03 11:03:00

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Welcoming Remarks



H.E. Mr. Song Min-Soon

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade


the Republic of Korea




 The Third Plenary Meeting of the

Leading Group on Solidarity Levies to Fund Development



3 September, 2007

Seoul, Korea


Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,


On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Korea, I would like to start by extending a warm welcome to all of you to the Third Plenary Meeting of the Leading Group on Solidarity Levies to Fund Development.  It is indeed a great pleasure to welcome such an impressive array of participants, including representatives Member States, international organizations and NGOs.


I look forward to this meeting building upon the valuable work done at the previous Plenary Meetings held in Brasilia and Oslo. I am confident that this Meeting will also serve as a valuable occasion to review the achievements of the discussions so far on innovative financing for development.  I hope that we can also gain a renewed sense of their importance in our common efforts to eradicate poverty and combat diseases, a noble aim that unites us. Furthermore, this Meeting will undoubtedly help rally the support of the international community on the issue of innovative financing for development.


Let me touch on poverty and terrorism with a few words. One of the threatening challenges that are ubiquitous today is terrorism. Nobody is safe from the threat. While introducing political security and safety measures to prevent and subdue coward act of terrorism including kidnapping and killing innocent people, what we have to do is focus on the root causes of these persistent evil. I think that the answer lies in the international concert to eradicate poverty and encourage sustainable development.


Distinguished Guests,


The international community unites in recognition that the eradication of poverty and sustainable development is key in our efforts to achieve peace, development and human rights.  Namely it is an imperative element in our pursuit of the common ideals of humanity. More than at any other time in the history of humankind, the present generation has given profound thought to this issue and has been striving to find the best way to rise to the challenge.


Securing the resources for development is, more than any other factor, the starting point for overcoming poverty and underdevelopment. In this regard, through the Monterrey Consensus in 2002 the international community came to an agreement to substantially increase Official Development Assistance.  Nevertheless, both the quantity and the quality of resources for development are still issues that need to be addressed. It is this recognition that has yielded the idea of innovative financing for development.


Despite its short history, the idea of innovative financing for development is emerging as a major issue on the agenda of the international community. In particular, through the Declaration on Innovative Sources of Financing for Development in 2005, the international community has confirmed that innovative financing for development is indeed an essential tool for the eradication of poverty and has made clear its commitment to work further to this end.


Moreover, I am very pleased to note the visible and valuable achievements reached by such new mechanisms including the air-ticket solidarity contribution, International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm) and Advanced Market Commitments (AMCs).



Ladies and Gentlemen,


As an emerging donor, Korea is now making utmost efforts to secure more and better aid. In addition, the Government of Korea has also actively taken part in the discussions on innovative financing for development. In this regard, Korea assumed the Presidency of the Leading Group in March 2007, and is also a member of the Executive Board of UNITAID, representing the Asian countries.


In particular, the Korean government has enacted a law to formally introduce the international air-ticket solidarity contribution.  This measure, which will take effect from September 30, will impose a charge of one thousand Korean won, equivalent to one dollar, on each departing international air-ticket to be used as resources for development. The Korean government plans to make use of the resources in particular to combat poverty and diseases mainly in the African region.



The Leading Group on Solidarity Levies to Fund Development has played a key role in making great progress in the discussions on new mechanisms of financing. This Meeting of the Leading Group has now emerged as the most significant forum in the field of innovative financing for development with participants from 53 countries in Europe, Africa, South America and Asia, and relevant international organizations and civil society.


This Third Plenary Meeting holds special meaning in that it provides an invaluable opportunity to examine the achievements made so far.  I look forward to us all reflecting on how far we have come and so pooling our wisdom to set the future direction for our discussions.



Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,


Absolute poverty is not only a humanitarian calamity but a real threat to peace, human rights and the dignity of humankind. I believe that innovative financing for development is emerging as a powerful tool for the international community in their fight against poverty.


Once again, I wish to extend a heartfelt welcome to you all. In Korea, Autumn starts with September. I hope that in this season of harvest you will take home with you many fruitful results from this meeting.


Thank you.