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송민순 장관 ICI 출범회의 연설문

2007-05-30 10:36:56




  H.E. Mr. Song Min-soon

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Republic of Korea




The Official Launch of

the International Compact with Iraq


Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

3 May 2007


Statement by Mr. SONG Min-soon

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

of the Republic of Korea

at the Official Launch of

The International Compact with Iraq

Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

3 May 2007





Your Excellency Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki,

Your Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations,

Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit,

Excellencies, distinguished delegates,


On behalf of the Korean government, I wish to express my deep appreciation to the governments of Egypt and Iraq, as well as the United Nations, for hosting this important conference.  Sharm el-Sheikh is where numerous peace initiatives have been born in the past.  I hope that this beautiful Sharm el-Sheikh will also become a cradle for Iraq's peace and prosperity.


I would also like to thank His Excellencies Dr. Barham Saleh and Mr. Ibrahim Gambari for their tireless work and remarkable dedication in achieving the success of this Compact.


Distinguished guests,


Since the Madrid Conference in 2003, the international community has actively supported Iraq in its efforts for national reconstruction.  In this process, we have seen Iraq awakening from long isolation by adopting a new Constitution and forming a democratically-elected government. 


I believe today's launch of the International Compact with Iraq is indeed a timely and crucial initiative for a new Iraq.  The Compact clearly reflects Iraq’s confidence in building a secure, unified, federal and democratic country. 


There is no doubt that the success of the Compact hinges on the concerted efforts of the Iraqi people and the leadership of Prime Minister Maliki to achieve a "national compact" for uniting their country.  The support of the international community is also indispensable for reconstruction and socio-economic development.  We hope that today's official launch of the Compact, together with the enlarged ministerial meeting of Iraq's neighbouring countries tomorrow, will create a crucial momentum for building peace and stability in Iraq and the Middle Eastern region as a whole.


Furthermore, I strongly believe that the peace and stability of Iraq and the Middle East is closely linked to the peace and stability of other parts of the world.  After all, in the globalized world, geographical distance is not so important.  Korea will do its proper share.


Assistance for peace and reconstruction in Iraq takes up a very important place in Korea's foreign policy agenda. And on behalf of the Korean government, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the official launch of this compact and also offer our full support for the Compact. 


The Korean government has already fulfilled over 85 percent of its $260 million commitment pledged at the Madrid Conference in 2003.  In addition, respecting the agreement of the Paris Club, Korea has waived 80 percent of Iraq's debt to Korea that amounted to $2.6 billion. And Korean peace & reconstruction troops stationed in Erbil, Iraq called the "Zaytun contingent", has helped lay down the foundation for stability and prosperity in northern Iraq since September 2004 by winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. 


Distinguished guests,


We are now entering into an important phase in rebuilding the future of Iraq and Korea plans to expand its assistance to Iraq in line with the International Compact with Iraq.  In 2007, we are disbursing the remaining $40 million of the assistance we pledged in Madrid.  Furthermore, our government has decided to set aside additional $200 million in grants and soft loans, in the years of 2008-2011, in order to further support the Iraqi people in rebuilding their country. 


We strongly believe in Iraq's National Development Strategy 2007-2010.  This strategy encourages the active participation of the Iraqi people in socio-economic activities as a core element for achieving sustainable development. It also emphasizes the necessity of involving all regions of the country in the overall development process which we believe is crucial for balanced and sustainable development.


In expanding our assistance to Iraq, we will focus on the following priority areas:


First, we plan to provide sustained support for the development of human resources in order to alleviate the serious problem of widespread unemployment in Iraq. 


Second, the Korean government plans to help Iraq improve the quality of life of its people.  We look forward to expanding our clean water and sanitation projects from the northern Iraq region to other areas of the country.


Third, we will continue to share with Iraq the lessons and know-how gained from our own past national development experience. 


Fourth, my government will consider favorably the option of further contributing to the Multi-Donor Trust Fund.  In this regard, we would like to actively support the International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq (IRFFI).


In addition to such government assistance, we will seek ways to encourage our private sector to increase their investments in Iraq as the security situation improves.


Distinguished guests,


We, Korean people, fully sympathize with the Iraqi people as we too experienced war and the daunting task of rebuilding a nation.  We walked the long and arduous road to economic development with the help of the United Nations and the international community. As President Roh Moo-hyun said during the summit with His Excellency Prime Minister Maliki in Seoul on 12 April, Korea will stand by its friend Iraq, as Iraq sheds the ashes of conflict and moves toward obtaining the glow of a vibrant, stable and prosperous industrial country.


The Iraqi people have a proud history, dating back to their long and splendid civilization of the ancient time.  As we work together with this Compact, we look forward to an Iraq becoming a beacon of peace and hope in the region.  Korean people will remain a loyal friend of the Iraqi people in this worthwhile endeavor.


Thank you.  //End//