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덴마크 외교장관 주최 오찬시 답사

2007-02-15 17:54:01

                    Remarks by H.E. Ban Ki-moon

               Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

         On the Occasion of a Luncheon hosted by the

                      Minister of Foreign Affairs

                     of the Kingdom of Denmark


- April 7, 2006 -

  Your Excellency Minister Møller,

  Distinguished Guests,


  I would like to begin by expressing my heartfelt thanks for the warm welcome extended to myself and my delegation. It is indeed an honour to be here in Copenhagen and sense for myself the energy of this great cosmopolitan capital.

   Your Excellency,

   Denmark is a country which stands as a role model, with its advanced welfare system based on high national income.  It is an exemplary agricultural nation well-known for its livestock farming and dairy product industry. Not only that, Denmark boasts a rich tradition of culture and arts.  As the homeland of Hans Christian Andersen your country has had an impact on people around the globe.  That well-loved author's timeless stories such as "The Little Mermaid" are dear to children all around the world.  

   Since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1959, Korea and Denmark have continued to nurture their ties of friendship. In particular, the Korean people will always remember that Denmark proved a friend in need by sending a hospital ship during the Korean War.  Your country helped us further after the war came to an end by playing its part in the construction of the National Medical Centre and we feel a deep appreciation for this.

   Our bilateral ties have recently been further strengthened with Prime Minister Rasmussen's visit to Korea in 2000 followed by President Roh Moo-hyun's visit to Denmark in 2002.  We have also witnessed the expansion of economic relations between Korea and Denmark.  As the further development of areas of substantial cooperation continues, I look forward to seeing an even brighter future for our two countries. Our relations of friendship and trust have evolved over a century. It is my sincere hope that they will continue to mature through greater exchanges of high-ranking officials coupled with a growth in trade and investment.

   Furthermore, I would like to extend my gratitude to the Danish Government for its great contribution, as a Non-Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. I also wish to express my appreciation for the leading role Denmark has played in providing development assistance to developing countries.  In so doing your country has played its part in upholding universal human rights and realizing social justice. I firmly believe that Denmark, as a member of the EU and the UN Security Council, will continue to play a valuable part in promoting stability and prosperity not only in Europe but all over the world.

   We should now extend our cooperation from the bilateral level to the global arena.  Your support for my candidacy as next UN Secretary-General would indeed be deeply appreciated. Should I be selected to serve in the important post, I can assure that I would deepen close consultations with Your Excellency on crucial UN-related issues, including UN reform.

   Distinguished Guests,

   I would now like to propose a toast to the health and success of Minister Møller, the everlasting prosperity of Denmark, and a thriving friendship between the peoples of our two countries.

                                                          /The End/