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주한미군 기지 방문시 오찬 연설문

2004-12-23 00:00:00


□ 인사말


General LaPorte, MG General Higgins, and my friends in arms, the Warriors1);


First of all, I would like to express my innermost gratitude to all of you for sharing your valuable time to show such a great hospitality here today, in spite of the severe weather and the imminent Christmas holidays, just two days away.


Before I visited the Camp Red Cloud2), I had a certain kind of  prejudice against the military headquarters.  A friend of mine in the field told me that those in the headquarter don't need any physical fitness program, because everyone gets enough excercise during the day job.  ① Jumping to conclusions; ② Flying off the handle; ③ Carrying things too far; ④ Dodging responsibilities; and ⑤ Pushing their luck.


But, right after I landed this Camp, received an in-depth briefing from General Higgins, and, most of all, looked in the eyes of the warriors here, I realized the joke was totally misguided one.


The purpose of my presence here today is to express, on behalf of the Korean people, our most sincere appreciation to all of the USFK personnel on vigilant duty here at the frontline far away from home.


In order to protect peace and stability on this land, many of you are spending this holiday season without your families and closest friends.  I wish you will consider my visit as representing the warmest hearts of the Korean people, and hopefully, their gratitude and appreciation will help to fill the absence of your loved ones.


□ 주한미군에 대한 감사표명


Sometimes, it may seem a thankless task to guard the peace of a distant foreign country in such seemingly peaceful times.  And such feelings could give rise to a kind of skepticism in your mind, and you may feel a twinge of loneliness.  One might say that it is part of a hero's job description to feel a bit lonely.


However, just step outside this Camp and visit anywhere in this country, then you will soon realize what your predecessors, including Corporal Red Cloud3) who died for this country, have achieved through their heroic efforts.  Their sacrifice and dedication have helped rebuild this country literally from ashes to a place where democracy and market economy flourish.  Please don't forget you are the heros securing and maintaining the peace and prosperity thus built. And once you get to know how much the Korean people, including myself, are grateful for your devotion, you would not feel frustrated or worried at all.


As some of you may have noticed, Koreans are notoriously clumsy at expressing our feelings.  But from today on and hopefully as a result of my visit today, I wish you can feel the genuine voices of the Korean people echoing with recognition and appreciation.


□ 자이툰부대 방문 결과 설명


Recently, I had an opportunity to accompany President Roh Moo-hyun on his visit to the Korean troops of the Zaytun Unit operating in Iraq, on our way back from Europe; a visit code-named "Dongbang (Eastern) Operation".


I will never forget the very moment when we entered the base, when I saw the surprised and excited soldiers, and every facial expression of desert-tanned soldiers filled with joy and delight.  It was an extremely moving experience, and the excitement the President and I felt was overwhelming enough to make all the weariness from a long journey fade away.


Having witnessed the soldiers carrying out their duty successfully in a difficult situation, I felt confident that peace and stability will soon embrace the Iraqi people, with the help of the concerted efforts of the coalition forces and international society.  In accordance with this cause, my government will extend the term of troop presence into the next year.


□ 2사단 이라크 차출부대 평가 및 애도 표명


I am well aware that the Strike Force4), the 2nd Brigade Combat Team in Iraq, has been achieving remarkable accomplishments on recent missions in the vicinity of Ramadi.  I firmly believe that the success and braveness of the Strike Force Team members are thanks to the training you offered to the team before their departure, and to the support and prayers from us all.


However, on my way to this hall, General Higgins showed me 33 pictures of the Strike Force Team members at the front of the Camp chapel, including a young man like Spc.(Specialist)5) Razani, who died young at the age of 19, and a veteran like Staff Sgt.(Sergeant)6) Vaillant, 41 years old.


I assume that some of you might have acquainted yourself with these soldiers this summer during the training process.  Some might have known them well even before that.  Therefore, I understand that the sense of loss and sorrow will be even more intense for those of you here.  


On behalf of my government and people, I would like to express my deepest sorrow at the fallen 2ID soldiers, and to pay a particular tribute to every MIA's(missing in action) and KIA's(killed in action) in the coalition forces.  I firmly believe that their ultimate sacrifices will not have been in vain.  And their deeds will serve as the foundation not only for peace and stability in Iraq, but also for a better tomorrow of the whole world.


Taking this opportunity, I wish God's blessing to you, including the Strike Force in Iraq, the Korean soldiers in the Zaytun Unit, and all men and women in uniform in coalition forces.


□ 북핵 문제 관련


One of the most urgent tasks requiring the undivided attention of the ROK-US partnership is the North Korean nuclear issue.  This is both a regional and global security challenge, which puts the non-proliferation regime to a test.


At the recent ROK-US Summit meeting held in Santiago, Chile President Roh and President Bush reaffirmed their commitment to the peaceful and diplomatic resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue within the framework of the Six-Party Talks, and agreed to place 'high priority' on the early resolution of this issue.  Under this guidance, our two countries will continue to work closely to realize the peaceful and expeditious solution to this problem through the Six-Party Talks process.


The fact that China, Japan, and Russia also agreed with our two countries on the need to resolve the nuclear issue peacefully through dialogue will certainly help our efforts.  In tandem with our two countries, these three countries are also calling for the early resumption of the talks.


We firmly believe that now is the time for the North Korean leadership to make the strategic decision to give up its nuclear programs, including uranium enrichment programs in a thorough and transparent manner.  Along with the other countries, the ROK and the US will continue our efforts to convince the North Korean leadership of the wisdom of an early solution to this serious problem.


□ 한.미 동맹 전환과 Camp Red Cloud


At present, the R.O.K.-U.S. alliance, having marked its Golden Jubilee last year, is entering into a new phase, a meaningful process of evolution.


The US government's ongoing effort to implement the GPR(Global Defense Posture Review), coupled with the post 9-11 changes in the global strategy, are now bringing about huge transformation in the USFK as well.  The relocation of the USFK bases will also create benefits for the balanced development of this nation too.


Since last year, the authorities of both countries have been in close and intensive consultation, in order to map out the optimal path for the future of the alliance.  The consolidation process of the surrounding camps will be gearing up early next year, and the number of the troops will be reduced by 12,500 by the end of 2008.  It may take a while to adapt our psychology, both Americans and Koreans, to the impending changes.


Once realigned, however, the R.O.K.-U.S. combined deterrence will ultimately be strengthened as the USFK develops into a more efficient and better equipped force, and you will see the most powerful and vigilant alliance here in the peninsula.  General LaPorte and I intend to make it so.


This very Camp is at the frontline of that evolution. You will be the first to witness and experience the very beginning of the historic process of recasting the USFK.


In particular, it is my understanding that Camp Red Cloud will be playing a pivotal role as the headquarters for the combined operation of the closed bases in Area 17), until this Camp is relocated down South.


Although initially the military transformation could mean additional work and burden, I have every confidence that you will successfully complete the significant task under the distinguished command of General LaPorte and MGGeneral Higgins.


□ 맺음말


Today, I am honored to be joined by the most outstanding 2ID soldiers.  I have no doubt that in the coming year also, as always, you will give your very best to your duties.  


Again, I would like to thank you for your selfless devotion and continuing services.  I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!                      /End/

1) 2사단 장병들의 nickname

2) Camp Red Cloud는 2사단의 사령부 소재지

3) Camp Red Cloud는 한국전쟁시 전사한 Mitchell Red Cloud Jr.(1925-1950) 상병의 이름을 따서 명명

4) 2사단 2여단 이라크 차출부대 명칭

5) 상병

6) 하사

7) 의정부, 동두천 등 2사단 부대소재 지역