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한.미 동맹 50주년 관련 Korea Herald 기고문

2003-08-15 00:00:00

"On the 50th Anniversary of the ROK-US Alliance"


    When the Republic of Korea and the US representatives signed the "Mutual Defense Treaty" fifty years ago, no one could imagine what this alliance would accomplish over the next fifty years.  Celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the ROK-US alliance this year, I am reminded of the pivotal role the alliance has played in transforming Korea from a country devastated by three years of war into a flourishing democracy with a thriving market economy.  Without the security assurance provided by the ROK-US alliance, it would have been nearly impossible for the Korean people to concentrate their efforts on building democratic institutions and national economy.  


    Here, I would like to illustrate three recent events which respectively have important bearing on the past, the present, and the future of the ROK-US relationship.


 Fiftieth Anniversary of the Armistice Agreement


     July 27 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the Armistice Agreement, which put an end to the Korean War.  It bothers us even to imagine what the Korean Peninsula would look like today, had it not been for the immediate intervention by the US fifty years ago.


    To commemorate the anniversary, a number of Korean War veterans were invited to revisit Korea, and I had the privilege of participating in some of the events with the veterans.  It was an emotional experience.  Still in pain at the memories of fellow soldiers who fell during the war, they were full of pride and joy to witness that their sacrifices were not squandered but helped build a prosperous and democratic country.


    The Korean War is a tragedy which should never be repeated.  However, during the course of overcoming such a traumatic experience, Korea and the US have forged a blood-tied alliance deeply rooted in the shared values of democracy and market economy.  This is a unique historic asset which both countries should cherish for the years to come.


 North Korea's Announcement to Accept Six-Party Talks


    At present, North Korea's nuclear issue is at the top of current agenda of the Republic of Korea and the US.  On July 31, North Korea made the long-awaited announcement that it would come to the six-party talks to discuss its nuclear weapons program.  


    The Korean government has been maintaining a firm position that the Korean Peninsula should remain nuclear-free and that any action by North Korea to develop nuclear weapons would be contrary to the interest of the Korean people.  We have also emphasized that North Korea's nuclear issue should be resolved through dialogue in a peaceful manner.  This position has been consistently echoed by the US government.


    In order to attain a peaceful settlement of the issue through the six-party talks and to secure peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, we need to further strengthen the coordination between Korea and the United States.


 The Future of the ROK-US Alliance Policy Initiative Meeting


    Shifting our eyes towards the future, recent meetings on 'the Future of the ROK-US Alliance Policy Initiative' are worth noting.  Through these meetings, the two governments are working together to come up with a clearer vision for tomorrow's ROK-US alliance.  At the third round of the meeting held in Honolulu from July 22 to 23, both parties continued their discussion on how best to adapt the fifty-year alliance to the changing security environment and the revolution in military technologies.  A comprehensive array of issues ranging from relocation of bases, transfer of missions, enhancements of capabilities, to future development of Joint Command Structure are currently under review.


    There are three important aspects which are considered at the meetings.  First, the overall impact of September 11 led the American security policy goal to undergo a fundamental shift so as to maximize the strategic flexibility and to improve the efficiency of their military capabilities.  Second, last year's tragic accident which took the lives of two Korean schoolgirls raised the need to create a stationing environment which could minimize friction between the US forces and local residents.  Third, the adjustment should result in an alliance better equipped and more efficient, with its combined deterrence capabilities more potent.


    Through the Future of the ROK-US Alliance Policy Initiative meetings, we can achieve a mutually beneficial outcome for both Korea and the United States.  And the adjusted alliance partnership will better contribute to peace and stability in the region.




     The foreign policy milieu of Korea has some unique aspects that are full of ironies: North Korea was a fraternal foe with which we long to make friends; Korea is geographically surrounded by continental powers yet allied with a maritime superpower; the Korean economy has become sizable yet remains highly dependent on foreign factors.  These constitute a tricky setting on which Korea should manage its external relations.


    As Korea strives to command these circumstances in an age of globalization, the alliance with the US will be a crucial asset.  The robust and comprehensive partnership between Korea and the US should be a key component of our policy means to tackle obstacles and establish an enduring peace on the Korean peninsula and beyond./END/