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제7차 ASEM 외무장관회의 개회사

2005-05-27 16:13:40

Minister Machimura, Excellencies,

Distinguished Representatives of ASEM Partners,

Ladies and Gentlemen!


       I would like to begin by extending my heartfelt gratitude to the Japanese government for the warm hospitality and the excellent arrangements made for this momentous 7th ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting.


       I personally have a special attachment to ASEM.  I had the honour to serve as SOM Leader at the time of ASEM's launch in 1996 and also as Vice Foreign Minister at the time of the hosting of ASEM 3 in the year 2000 in Seoul.  I have therefore followed the development of ASEM with great interest from its inauguration and, accordingly, furthering the ASEM process is indeed a goal very close to my heart.


       There is a greater call than ever for multilateral cooperation to effectively tackle the whole host of global challenges that have emerged in the wake of deepening globalization.     


       With the admission of the new members at the Hanoi Summit last year, ASEM stands at the crossroads.  Now is a time for all partners to redouble their efforts for the deepening of the ASEM process by bolstering our cooperation, imbuing it with greater substance.


    With this forum approaching its 10th anniversary next year, this is a juncture for ASEM partners to take stock of what has been achieved over the last nine years and to give serious thought to concrete ways to substantiate the ASEM process.  By looking back on how far we have come we will be able to gain a clearer picture of the road ahead.  


   To mark this milestone, the ROK government is currently preparing an Overview Report on all the initiatives that have been proposed since the launch of ASEM.  We have already distributed the list of ASEM initiatives, requesting that partners provide us with their comments on the respective initiatives proposed.  With the assistance and cooperation of partners, the ROK government intends to complete the report prior to the next SOM.  This report is expected to lay important groundwork for the consolidation of the ASEM process.


       I sincerely believe that this Meeting will prove a watershed for ASEM, a catalyst for greater strides forward.  It is my earnest hope that our efforts will indeed yield fruit in ensuring the further development of the ASEM process, a goal which unites us all.


       Thank you for your attention.