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2012 여수세계박람회 제2차 국제심포지움 만찬사

2007-09-14 19:06:00

 H.E. Mr. Song Min-soon
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade


At a Dinner
Hosted for
the BIE Representatives Participating in the
2nd International Symposium on the EXPO 2012 Yeosu Korea

September 13, 2007
Crystal Ballroom, Lotte Hotel

Mr. Vicente Gonzales Loscertales (로세르탈레스),
Secretary General of the BIE,
Excellencies, Colleagues, Distinguished Guests!

It is indeed an honor for me to host this dinner.  I take great pleasure in extending to all of you a wholehearted welcome to Korea.

I am delighted to see so many Foreign Ministers here.  And my special thanks go to those who have traveled a long distance to attend the second international symposium on the Yeosu Expo 2012 and see Yeosu in person.

I am glad to have the chance to see so many friends whom I have not been able to meet up with recently on account of our busy schedules.  So I have been greatly enjoying saying hello to old friends and catching up with them.

I also take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for all you have done to build growing friendships between Korea and your respective countries.  It is a source of great satisfaction to me that the bonds of cooperation between us have been deepened through this Expo process.

In fact, it has been an added bonus that this process has had so many other positive effects. It is strengthening our bilateral relations.  And I am convinced that these solid ties we are nurturing will serve as a firm basis for us to continue to build up and galvanize the bonds of friendship and cooperation between our countries.

It was in May 2006 that Korea presented a letter of application to the BIE (Bureau of International Exhibitions) for the hosting of the Expo in 2012.  Ever since, the Korean government has been putting their all into winning the support of the international community.  And the people of Korea have been supporting our efforts fully.  Indeed, we have been sparing no effort.

And we have been delighted that a considerable number of BIE members have already expressed their valuable support. We rely so greatly on your support.

The proposed theme for the Yeosu Expo answers the needs of our time. The theme of "The Living Ocean and Coast: Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities," is one which holds great meaning for the future of humankind.  And there is widespread recognition of this theme. An exploration of the subject will enable us to work together in striving to develop good solutions to many pressing challenges the world is facing in the 21st century.
You have explored many of the fascinating elements of this theme at today's symposium. I am quite sure that you will continue to do so in the upcoming sessions tomorrow.

Korea has extensive experience of successfully hosting large-scale international events.  The 1988 Summer Olympics and the 2002 FIFA World Cup are just two outstanding examples. Korea has the physical infrastructure and financial resources to ensure the Expo is a resounding success. Another consideration well worthy of note is that Korea has in place a very high standard of security measures. This is a country where visitors really can feel safe. I am sure that you will experience this feeling of safety while you are staying here.

These factors have all led to a sense of confidence in the international community that Korea is remarkably well-equipped to host the Expo.
The Korean people have risen to every such opportunity with a great sense of enthusiasm and there is the same sense of great eagerness amongst the people for the hosting of the Expo. The devotion and warm welcome of the people of Korea will prove to be an invaluable ingredient in the recipe for success. This has already been vividly demonstrated during previous international festivals.

The Yeosu Expo would have a great deal to offer the international community as a whole.  It presents an invaluable opportunity to deepen international understanding of maritime affairs.  It will enable countries of the world to pool their wisdom and work together to address the urgent challenges of climate change.  We are indeed tackling some of the most important issues facing the international community.
By presenting solutions to various environmental problems, such as global warming and rising sea levels, the Expo will therefore help to address some of the most pressing issues of our time.  The benefits will be felt by people all around the world. It would be a truly global event.

Your Excellencies, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
At this point, I would like to take this chance to tell you that I myself am from an area quite near to Yeosu. My hometown is located just 30 minutes' drive from Yeosu. As I have a personal attachment to this place my heart is really in the task of securing the successful bidding and outstanding hosting of the Expo.

Yeosu literally means "a city of beautiful waters". (The southern costal area of the Korean Peninsula is known for its clear and clean waters.) This place really lives up to its name with its many tranquil waters and so many beautiful spots! You will, I am sure, see that this is the most suitable place for the hosting of the Expo under the theme of "Living Ocean and Coast". Indeed it is an ideal place to host the Expo, not only in name. Yeosu embodies the very essence of the proposed theme of the Expo, as recognized by the BIE Enquiry Mission. With Korea's world-class IT, Yeosu will prove to be a venue to share with the world the necessary technological know-how to fully realize the dream of an information-based society.

I trust that in Yeosu this weekend you will see for yourselves just what a great venue this city would be.

I cannot visit Yeosu with you because of a pressing prior commitment but I can assure you that I will be there with you in spirit.

May I now propose a toast to the Yeosu 2012 as well as growing friendships between Korea and the countries you represent, and the health and happiness of all of you. 
To all of you!  And to Yeosu! 
