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장관, 주한 EU 대사단 주최 오찬간담회 계기 모두 발언

2007-11-01 22:21:00

송민순 외교부 장관 모두 발언
- 10.19 주한 EU 대사단 주최 오찬간담회 계기 -

 Good afternoon.

 I hope that all of you are enjoying your stay in this country which, even to me, is so dynamic. Being dynamic means sometimes being accustomed to some discomfort. However, you can enjoy your life here  as if you are in your home countries with all the comforts.

 Well, I wish to have more opinions from our colleagues from Europe as I promised in our meeting this year. My principle is that I should not allow the grass in my good friends’ house to grow by frequently visiting, but I have to say sorry for this year. I believe you may understand that, based on all the circumstances.

 First, during my recent visit to Europe, the speech at the German Council on Foreign Relations and consultations with colleagues in Europe were quite useful. It was so reminiscent of my stay in Berlin: not only the crossing of the DMZ demarcation line and Charlie’s checkpoint but also the fact that you offered financial support back then in 1970s for industries from Hanover to Berlin. From Hanover to Berlin, it is about 250 km and from Seoul and Gaesung it is almost the similar distance.

 Now we held a meeting with Kim Jong-il and our President and Kim Jong-il talked about improving the road conditions in Pyongyang. What a match! The only difference was the time, almost thirty years later. In terms of Inter-Korean relations, I don’t know why these dynamic people do not make dynamic decisions.

 With that in mind, allow me to elaborate on the major achievements of the Inter-Korean summit. They focused on three points: first, the establishment of peace on the Korean peninsula; second, the expansion of economic cooperation; and lastly, reconciliation and unification of the two Koreas. This summit outlines the overall framework and details which will be followed with the meetings in November. The Inter-Korean Prime Minister's Meeting will be held in the middle of November. The North's Prime Minister will mainly discuss economic cooperation. After this meeting, the defense minister's meeting will focus on confidence building  prior to the exchange of commodities and other modes of transportation across the border.

 I think that we need to have several rounds of these kinds of meetings. On the Inter-Korean relations, what I emphasize, based on my experience, is a request for European countries’ active engagement in North Korean relations. In my experience, North Korea is very worried about having too many contacts. They are somewhat sensitive in interacting with South Korea or the United States and even Japan. However, they feel somewhat less uncomfortable in engaging with European countries.

 With that in mind, I have to emphasize that European countries’ help is definitely needed for the North Korean economy and making North Korea come out to the outside world by inviting North Koreans. More exchanges with North Koreans are needed. We have to make North Korea be a more responsible member in the international community. I think the European countries’ role is very important in that sector.

 As you noticed today, the Korea-EU FTA negotiation covered many technical matters. The next round of the Korea-EU FTA negotiation is scheduled for the middle of November. I really hope that both sides will take a big step for its early conclusion. We value this very much and we have to come up with win-win solutions.

 At the same time, along with the FTA, I hope to expand cooperation with the EU in the political arena and other areas. We can find common ground and common interests for cooperation on global matters such as climate change. 

 Through the enlargement of the EU and the activation of communities in Northeast Asia, Asia and Europe are getting closer. If we succeed in connecting the Siberian railway to the Korean Peninsula by TKR, your next trip to Seoul will be on a train directly connected from your capital with a cheap rail ticket through the Eurasian railroad. My point is, Europe and Asia can be much closer even in geographic terms and that is another reason for you to support our Inter-Korean reconciliation.

 Well, these are some points that I had in my mind. One other point to express on this occasion is regarding the Yeosu EXPO. You know the Korean government hopes to host the Yeosu EXPO. I know Poland's candidate city, Wroclaw, is an inspirational city in the middle of Europe. So I’m not going to make my colleague, the Ambassador of Poland, support us. I always had a very sentimental attachment towards them. However, what I have to emphasize is the theme of the Yeosu Expo, which focuses on environmental issues such as climate change. In 2012, we have to start a chapter for the post-Kyoto protocol and, therefore, the Yeosu Expo will be a good occasion for the countries in the world to discuss how to deal with climate change. It will be the place for gathering wisdom and ideas concerning climate change. My request is for you to please convey this to your home government.

 In Korea, there is a game, called Baduk. When we play Baduk, even though your actual skills are low, your ability improves as you see the game from the distance. It is because you can see the game objectively. That is the reason why I refer to this game. I wish you, as friends of Korea, give us this kind of advice, not as a player but as a spectator from time to time. Spectators often have more wisdom than the players. That is what I ask of you today.

 Once again, thank you (Portugal Ambassador) very much for hosting this occasion, and hope, during the Portugal Presidency, the EU will be more integrated and moving forward. And thank you my old friends and colleagues, and also the ladies and gentlemen from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

 I wish your everlasting prosperity and health. Let us hope for integrated relations and world peace. Cheers!  /END/