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Notice [FAQ] Frequently asked questions on Visa, Quarantine and Entry to Korea




(Updated 29.12.2023)











I called the Embassy but no one is picking up the phone call.




Please note that all information pertaining to entering Korea, making reservation and Visa is on our website.


Inquiries on visa by phone call or visiting Embassy are NOT available.



Should your inquiries are not found here, please email to myvisa@mofa.go.kr


I called the Embassy but was asked to email instead.



Can I come to Embassy to inquire about visa?


I have sent an e-mail to Embassy as instructed but I only received auto-reply.

Due to high volume of emails, the Embassy will respond only to inquiries which could not be found here or on our website.


I have left Korea but I forgot to return my ARC Card

Please contact the Korea Immigration Service directly as the Embassy does not collect your ARC on behalf.


Can I borrow Hanbok or Korean musical instruments from the Embassy?

Please contact the Korea Plaza at Menara Hap Seng for these information.


Email: klkoreaplaza@gmail.com

Tel No: +603-2072 2515


Can I get the map of Korea or information for tourist from the Embassy?


Can I get information on Korean language classed or TOPIK exam for this year?

Please contact the Korea Education Center for these information.


Email: kecmys2020@gmail.com

Tel No: +603-2704 6546


How can I apply for Korean Government Scholarship?


Can I know the maximum amount of cash that I can bring to Korea or any restriction item to bring there?

Please find details on Korea Customs Service website (Click here)


Do you provide translator services?

The Embassy does not provide these services. You may contact ITBM (Institut Terjemahan Bahasa Malaysia) at www.itbm.com.my



What should I know or prepare before entering Korea?

Please (click here)


Is travel insurance required?

Travel insurance is not mandatory, but it is recommended to get an appropriate policy for any unexpected situations. (Travelers are fully responsible for costs associated with COVID-19 treatment throughout their stay in Korea.)


I am a Malaysian Passport Holder.


Do I need to apply for a K-ETA or Visa?


If you are travelling to Korea for short-term visits (tourism , participating in events or conference, business activities,  family visit, or other non-profitable activities) you must apply for K-ETA on the OFFICIAL K-ETA WEBSITE (Link)


It is valid for 3 years & can be used for multiple times. Maximum period of stay is 90 days. Fee is 10,000KRW (Around MYR 40)


You can be exempted from K-ETA if your age is below 17 or above 65 years old at calendar time.


However, if you are seeking short-term employment (C-4) or any long-term stay, or if your K-ETA is denied, you are required to get a visa. GUIDELINES FOR VISA APPLICATION (Link)


What is K-ETA? Why should I apply for it?


My last visit to Korea did not require me to have a K-ETA.

K-ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) is not a visa. Since September 2021, nationals from visa-free countries/regions including Malaysia are required to obtain K-ETA before entering South Korea including Jeju. Without K-ETA approval, you are not allowed to travel.


Should I apply for the K-ETA first? Or can I make my travel arrangement in advance?

It is strongly recommended to get a K-ETA approval before confirming your travel arrangement and making a payment.  If your K-ETA is denied, you will need to apply for a visa which will take more time and documentation.


Please be informed that the approval of K-ETA or Visa is not guaranteed.


I have got my K-ETA approval / valid Visa earlier but now I have changed my passport.

For K-ETA: Please apply for a new K-ETA with your new passport number, otherwise you will not be allowed to board a flight or denied to enter Korea.


For Visa: Please apply for the change of passport information here (Click here). Once you are done, please contact the Embassy which issued your visa.


My K-ETA has been approved. Do I need to apply for a visa separately?

If you have a K-ETA, you do not need to apply for a visa and vice versa.


However, if your purpose of visiting Korea is not covered under K-ETA, visa will be required.


I applied for a K-ETA a few days ago, but have not heard anything on the progress yet. What do I need to do?

Please be informed that K-ETA is not assessed / approved by the Embassy. It is handled directly by the K-ETA Center in Korea under the Ministry of Justice. The Embassy is unable to answer any inquiries pertaining to your K-ETA application.


Therefore, if you want to raise any issue with your K-ETA, please contact the K-ETA Centre via online enquiry form (Click). Inquiries by phone call are NOT available.


*Please be advised that incorrect information (i.e. non-existent address, typo in name, and mistakes with passport number) or failure to comply with the photo requirements may have caused the rejection. Thus if you think the reason of denial is one of those mistakes, you may re-apply. However, if you apply repeatedly with inconsistent information, your application may be denied and you will not be allowed to apply more than three times in six months.


If you choose to apply for a visa, please submit your visa application to our Embassy. However, please note that the Embassy does not guarantee the issuance of visa. PLEASE READ THE GUIDELINES FOR VISA APPLICATION CAREFULLY!(Link)


My K-ETA application was declined, and I was advised to contact the Korean Embassy.


My passport validity is less than 6 months. Can I still enter Korea?

If you are a Malaysian citizen, you may enter Korea with a passport whose validity is less than 6 months. But we usually advise you to have a longer passport validity to avoid any unexpected inconvenience. Please be aware that you are responsible for your own event.


I hold a valid APEC Business Travel card (ABTC).


Do I still need to apply for a visa or K-ETA to enter Korea for business?

ABTC holders may enter Korea without a visa or K-ETA for short term business activities.


However, if you have changed your passport after getting ABTC, you need to obtain a new card with the current passport information before entering Korea.


I am a temporary visitor in Malaysia / I do have long term pass but I just recently arrived in Malaysia.


Am I eligible to apply the visa from here?

In principal, non-Malaysians who are temporarily visiting Malaysia are not eligible to apply for a visa here unless they have received visa issuance confirmation (VICN) from the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea.

Only long term pass holders may apply a Korea visa at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Malaysia. A long-term pass is refers to a pass issued for a stay of one-year or longer in Malaysia.

Eg. Residence pass, Professional Visitor’s pass, Student pass, Long Term Social Visit pass, Employment pass, Temporary Employment Visitor’s pass

If you do not meet the requirement, you are not eligible to apply for a visa in Malaysia.




I am not a Malaysian nor from a country which is on the K-ETA eligibility list.


Can I apply for a visa at your Embassy?

If you are not eligible for K-ETA, you must get a visa before travelling to Korea. However, if you do not meet the requirement, you are not eligible to apply for a visa in Malaysia, and MUST contact the Korean Embassy / Consulate in your home country or country of your residence.




I want to take my domestic helper (a maid) to Korea during my holiday. Can I bring her with me?

Visa issuance for domestic helper is LIMITED under certain condition only.


  • For Korean employers, only those who meet the specific requirements & have humanitarian reasons are allowed to bring their domestic helpers to Korea. You may refer to C-3-1 Visa Category(Link)


  • For non-Korean employers who needs special assistance of their domestic helpers during their short term trip to Korea, please contact our visa desk at myvisa@mofa.go.kr


Visa will not be issued if the employers and the domestic helpers do not meet the requirements.


Can I transit in Incheon airport without a K-ETA or visa?



Passengers with connecting flight tickets who do not need to pass through the immigration desk are permitted to transit at Incheon International Airport without a visa or K-ETA, within 24 hours.

(This is not applicable to passport holders of Egypt, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. You MUST apply for a C-3-10 visa)


Please check with your airline on whether you need to pass through the immigration desk at the Incheon International Airport.


I am from XXX country, and I do have valid **US / Canadian or other European country**visa in my passport.


Can I enter Korea without a visa while transiting in Korea?

The Korean government has resumed several-free entry schemes for transfer passenger. Please check if you are eligible here (Link)


Can I enter Jeju with direct flight without visa or K-ETA?

If you are eligible, you may enter Jeju with direct flight without a visa or K-ETA. Please find the details here (Link)


I got my valid K-ETA / Visa. But I was sent back to my country after I arrived in Korea.


I do not understand why.

Please be aware that the final decision on whether to allow a foreign traveller to enter Korea will be made by the Korean Immigration Service.

Please check if you have return flight tickets (for short term traveller), or K-ETA/ Visa with the current valid passport number you are using now.

Even if you have valid K-ETA or Visa, the decision to permit or deny entry of any foreign traveller rests solely with the Korea Immigration Service officer at the entry point. The Embassy cannot intervene in their decision.


Can I check if my name is blacklisted in Korea?

You need to visit the Embassy in person with your original passport to check the info.

Please make an online reservation before visiting the Embassy to submit your application. Walk-in applicant will not be accepted. And please make sure to choose “Visa for Non-Koreans -> Regular Applicants”.


I am a Malaysian and have problem with my thumb print.


What document should I prepare to enter Korea?

You may prepare the document about the damaged thumb print from Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) Malaysia and get verification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Malaysia. 

Please be aware that the final decision on whether to allow a foreign traveller to enter Korea will be made by the Korean Immigration Service. The decision to permit or deny entry of any foreign traveller rests solely with the Korea Immigration Service officer at the entry point. The Embassy cannot intervene in their decision.


Can the minor travel to Korea without parents?


They will be accompanied by other guardian (e.g. Aunt, grandmother, teacher and etc.)

There is no restriction on the travel of minors to Korea without their parents. However, you are advised to prepare the consent from the parents or other related document to prove the purpose of their visit to Korea as it may be requested by an Immigration officer at the entry point.


  • (1.)COVID-19


I am not vaccinated (or not fully vaccinated). Can I still enter Korea?

As long as you have a valid passport and a visa or K-ETA, you may be allowed to enter Korea regardless of your vaccination status.


Is PCR test still required for transiting or visiting South Korea?

No, PCR test is no longer required.



I have just recovered from Covid-19. Can I enter Korea, and will I be exempted from quarantine?


Can I be exempted from the on-arrival test if I can show proof of past Covid-19 infection?

All inbound travelers to Korea are not required to get an after-arrival PCR Covid-19 test, including quarantine.




Do I still need to apply for a Q-Code?

Travelers from Malaysia are no longer required to apply for a Q-Code.

If you have more questions related to quarantine or Q-Code policies during your stay in Korea, please contact Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) at +82-2-2633-1339.


I am a short-term traveller. What do I need to do if I am tested to be positive during my stay in Korea?

Please contact a community health centre or Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency at +82-2-2633-1339, and follow their instruction.




Do I have to make an appointment to apply for a visa?



Please (click here) for more information on the online reservation.


I just know that I need to apply for a K-ETA / Visa to enter Korea. My flight is tomorrow. All documents are ready.


I could not make an online reservation but the Embassy does not answer the phone call, and I came from far.


Can I walk in to Embassy?



For a K-ETA, please make an application on the official K-ETA website. K-ETA is issued by the Ministry of Justice, and the Embassy does not have any authority on K-ETA issue.




I have difficulty in making an online reservation.


All the dates are fully booked and I have bought my flight ticket. Can I get some special slot?


Can I make an appointment via email or phone call?



Only those who are travelling to Korea for urgent business affairs, attending important international events or other essential visits but could not make any appointment may email to us at myvisa@mofa.go.kr with supporting document from Korea (e.g.: letter of invitation from Korea, flight schedule, etc.)


Those who need to travel urgently for humanitarian purpose (e.g. funeral of an immediate family) may contact the Embassy directly at myvisa@mofa.go.kr


Private tour including company incentive tour or family visits are NOT considered to be essential visits. Please plan your travel carefully.



All the dates I want to visit the Embassy are fully booked. How can I get an appointment?

Please check the availability of slots regularly; people make cancellation sometimes and new slots may be available.


Please make sure to choose “Visa for Non-Koreans > Regular Applicants / Visa Issuance Confirmation number (if you have any)”.


Current slots are opened only for the following one months, and we open new slot on weekly basis in the morning of every Monday (or Tuesday if Monday is public holiday).


I live in Sabah / Sarawak. Can I make reservation at Korean Embassy in KL because slots are fully booked here.



Applicants in Sabah and Sarawak MUST apply a Visa at the Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Kota Kinabalu only.


I will be late during my appointment.


Can I send a representative to submit my documents without cancelling the original booking?

Please email to myvisa@mofa.go.kr for the update.


Your representative may bring the authorization letter if the booking is made on your name, but please be informed that their entry to the Embassy may be delayed for verification.


I do not understand Korean / Malay or English. Can I come with a translator?

Only1 person will be allowed to enter the Embassy. Should you need to bring a translator, please inform the guard.


Why did I receive cancellation email for my reservation?

You must have made a multiple reservation. The Embassy has the right to cancel your extra reservation without prior notice.


Additionally, your application may be delayed, should we notice that you have made a multiple reservation without strong reasons.


I want to make reservation for my family members. Should I make a separate reservation under each person name?


Or, I need to submit a number of applications. How should I make the reservation?




One person may submit multiple applications for their family members, friends, co-workers, etc. If you need to submit more than 5 applications at one time, please reserve maximum 2 slots only.


If you need to submit more than 10 applications on the same day, please email to myvisa@mofa.go.kr


Can I book more than one slot as I cannot confirm when to visit the Embassy?



Multiple reservations is not allowed. The Embassy reserves the right to cancel your reservation at any time without notice. Thus if you make multiple reservation, we will cancel your booking without prior notice and your visa process may be delayed as well.


I am not sure when to visit Embassy as my visa document is not yet ready. Can I book in advance?





Please make sure all of your documents particularly basic & essential documents are ready prior to your visit to the Embassy. If you fail to bring essential documents, your application may not be accepted.


No, multiple reservations is not allowed. The Embassy reserves the right to cancel your reservation at any time without notice. Thus if you make multiple reservation, we will cancel your booking and your visa process may be delayed as well.




What is the payment method for Visa fee?

Only cash payment (in MYR) will be accepted.


What is the current visa processing time?


For any type of visa, it will normally take seven (7) working days to be processed. (NOT including the submission date)


It may take longer during peak season, or if you fail to meet the requirements, or if any further verification is necessary.


Is there any express service for visa?


I am willing to pay extra.



There is no express service for visa application. However, consideration can be given for essential purpose visit only, but still subject to approval.


Can I submit my visa application online or via mail?



All application should be submitted via the counter. Otherwise, it will not be processed.




Do I have to submit my application in person? 


Or can my travel agent or representative make an application on my behalf?

Not necessarily. Your travel agent or representative may submit the application on your behalf. Authorization letter is not necessary as long as the booking is made under the name of the representative.


However, if your name or signature is missing on the application form, the application will be declined. In addition, the application will not be accepted without the original passport or any essential documents. Therefore, please make sure your representative or travel agent bring all necessary documents and meet our requirements properly.




I am going for a long term work, (or)


I am a doctor and will join training at XX Hospital for more than 3 months.


How can I proceed?

There are several types of long term work Visa and normally it is necessary to get a Visa Issuance Confirmation number before submitting your long-term visa application.


In order to get a Visa for your medical training, you will need to request the respective hospital in Korea to contact the local branch of Korea Immigration and get you a Visa Issuance Confirmation number


Once after your Visa Issuance Confirmation numbers is issued, you may proceed to apply for a Visa at our Embassy.


Please refer to: 'Application with Visa Issuance Confirmation number' (Link)


My employer has already applied for my visa approval in Korea.


I already have the visa issuance number, and just need to get a visa on my passport.

Please refer to: 'Application with Visa Issuance Confirmation number' (Link)


Application process will take around 7 working days NOT including the submission day.


I am from XX country. I have arrived Malaysia on June 2023 and current pass is valid more than 6 months, but the requirement said that I need to posses Malaysia long term pass more than 2 years. I am eligible to apply the visit visa to Korea from Malaysia now?


I do not really understand on this requirement.

If you are from country which need to posses Malaysia long term pass more than 2 years, and current pass is valid for more than 6 months at the time of visa application at our Embassy, please refer as below:



Visa application at Embassy: 21 December 2023

You must have Malaysia Visa continuously:

From 20 December 2021 until 20 December 2023.

Current Malaysian pass must be valid until or after 20 June 2024.


If you do not meet the requirement, you are not eligible to apply for a visa in Malaysia.


There may be some consideration for those who need to travel to Korea for essential business purpose. Please email to myvisa@mofa.go.kr for more details.


Private tour including company incentive tour or family visits are NOT considered to be essential visits.


Will my passport be kept at the Embassy until the issuance of my visa?

No. Your passport will be returned on the same day after being verified as the Korean government issues visas electronically, without attaching a visa label on your passport.


You may check your status on the Korea Visa Portal website, and print out your Visa Grant Notice on the date you are advised to do so. Guideline will be given during your visa application.


e-Form Visa Application


How can I fill out, print, edit or cancel my e-Form?

How to print:

After you submit the application online, please click ‘Visa Application’ on the right-hand side of the bottom. A pop-up window will appear with the pdf format of the application that you have filled out. Print and sign on it.


How to edit:

Once you submit the form and close the window, you cannot edit the form. You have to fill out a new e-form once again. If you need to do small amendment or missing some information, you may just edit it manually using a black ball pen.


How to cancel:

You cannot cancel the form. You may ignore it. If you filled up a new form, please use the latest new form that you wish to submit on your submission day.


While filling up the e-Form, I could not proceed to the next page, and the error message (i.e. ‘a fire-wall has been blocked’……) appeared on my screen.

The Korea Visa Portal is optimized for IE7, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Opera browsers and 1024*768 pixels.


Therefore, please change your browser or re-scan your photo. It may be due to the photo format. Or, try to change your address in Korea or select as ‘undefined’. Please write your address in Korea manually using a black ball pen after you managed to print out the e-form.


Can I use different photos to be attached on my e-form and to submit at the Embassy counter?

No. You will need to submit the same photo that has been attached (uploaded) to your e-Form.


If you use different photos or your photo does not meet our requirements (3.5cm * 4.5cm / white background), you application may be declined or delayed.


I have applied the same visa type from X country before. Why is your Embassy having different requirement?

Please be informed that each Embassy has their own guideline with regards to visa application based on circumstances of a country where they operate as national security and public safety issues are different in a different country.


When should I buy a flight ticket to Korea?

Please consider the following information when you plan your travel. Visa processing time is seven working days for all types of visa. (NOT including the submission date)


You have to enter Korea before your visa is expired (Visa validity period is three months).


I am applying for a visa. The result will be late from my actual flight. Can I enter Korea using K-ETA first?

You must enter Korea using a proper visa based on your purpose of visiting Korea. Should a visa applicant enter Korea prior to the actual issuance of the visa, it will be assumed that the applicant is withdrawing their application, and the issuance will be cancelled.


I checked my visa status on the date I was informed to do so, but my visa has not been approved yet. What should I do?

The visa process may take longer than expected depending on various circumstances. Therefore, if your visa has not been approved until the date you were advised to check the Korea Visa Portal, please email us to myvisa@mofa.go.kr.


I have submitted my visa application, but I changed my mind and wish not to proceed.

Please email to myvisa@mofa.go.kr

Please be informed that we do not refund your fee or return any document that you have submitted earlier.


If you fail to inform us your change of mind and do not send additional documents required, your application may be rejected, which will be recorded in the visa system.


I applied for a visa (E.g.: long-term student visa), but the visa validity period on my Visa Grant Notice is only three months.


Does it mean that my visa is valid only for three months?

Validity Period of Visa means that you have to enter Korea by that date. Otherwise your visa is no longer valid and you have to apply for a new visa.


Period of Stay means that you will be allowed to stay in Korea for that period after entering the country.


For example, your period of stay is six months while the validity period of your visa is until 30 June 2022. You are required to enter Korea before 30 June 2022, and you will be allowed to stay in Korea for six month from the date you enter the country.


I am applying for a short-term visit visa. Should I submit the Certificate of Health for Tuberculosis Screening?



Short-term visa applicants (visit to Korea less than 90 days) are not required to submit the Certificate of Health for the Tuberculosis.


Can I get the Tuberculosis screening done at other hospital which is not on the Embassy’s list?


I have done my Tuberculosis screening at other non-designated hospital which I have submitted the report to my University in Korea. They accepted it. Can I use the same report?



The Embassy will only accept the screening result performed by one of designated hospitals listed on the Embassy website.


Is Consent for Isolation is still required for visa application?



It is no longer required.


I am just going to Korea for short holiday. Why you still need the bank statements?

All tourist visa applicants are required to submit bank statements for the past six months regardless of their period of stay in Korea. 


Consent for bank statement. The bank does not want to stamp on your provided consent form. What should I do?

If the bank refused to stamp on the consent form provided by the Embassy for the bank statements, please get an official letter of your account verification and submit to us.

Still, you need to fill up the consent form.


I am submitting visa application for my family members. Should I prepare the application separately including the bank statements?

You may use the same bank statements from one main visa applicants / the head of family. However, all individual documents such as e-form, copy of passport and Malaysian visa, letter of guarantee must be prepared separately.


My salary is paid by cash. So there is no salary transaction in the bank statements. What should I do?


I do not have bank statements from Malaysia. Can I submit bank statements from foreign country?

You still have to provide us the bank statements for visa application including your pay slip.




We do not accept foreign bank statements. If you wish to proceed with foreign bank statements, you need to submit your visa application to the Korean Embassy / Consulate in that particular country.


I am going for holiday to Korea. How much money is required for the bank statements?

Please note that the minimum balance in account differs from applicant to applicant. We are unable to provide an amount for your reference. We expect you to have a sufficient financial ability, which will be assessed based on the average balance you have maintained in your bank account for the recent six months.


We consider the average balance for the past six month, not just the last balance. Therefore, please submit your bank statements containing as much average balance as possible and duly certified by the bank. 


Financial documents are exempted for student visa applicants who are going to study at certain universities. How do I check whether I will be exempted from submitting the financial documents?

You may check whether the university you’re going to study at is a certified one on the following website (Link).


If your University is in the IEQAS (International Education Quality Assurance System) list and you are a Malaysian citizen, you may be exempted from submitting the financial documents. However, if it is deemed necessary to verify your financial capabilities during the review of your application, you may be requested to submit relevant documents even though you have received the certificate of admission from one of IEQAS universities.


Do I need to have my visa documents notarized by MOFA? (e.g. certificate of birth, family certificates, degrees, etc.)


Family certificates is refer as:

  • i.Family register such as 가족관계증명서, kartu keluarga, etc;

  • ii.Marriage certificate to prove husband-wife relation;

  • iii.Birth certificate to prove parent-child relation or sibling relations


The document is required depending on which visa type you are applying for. Please read the checklist carefully.


If you bring the original copy (document issued from Malaysia), you do not need to have your documents notarized unless it is instructed otherwise on our visa checklists.


If it is deemed that your documents need to be certified by the MOFA or any other issuing authority during the verification or review of your application, you will be advised accordingly.


However, if you bring a photocopy, you need to get it notarized by the MOFA or an issuing authority to prove that the copy is fully certified.


If you bring documents issued outside Malaysia, it MUST be translated into English or Korean, & MUST be notarized by the Korean Embassy or Consulate General in the relevant country, or get Apostille in the country where the documents issued is a member of Apostille Convention.



Company business profile printed within 6 months from Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM e-info)


Corporate information printed within 6 months from the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM e-info)

Refer here:








Personal income tax filing receipt for the most recent tax year.


My income does not require me to pay for the tax. So, there is no income tax slip.

For those who must file income declaration , please submit:

i. e-filing acknowledgement slip


For those who are not liable for income declaration, please submit:

ii. EA or EC form


In the case that you have not filed your tax for the most recent tax year as it is not yet due, please provide item i for the previous tax year and item ii for recent tax year.


If you are do not have tax slip or unemployed, please submit your spouse’s income tax slip as supporting document.


Documents to prove that an applicant is traveling with one’s family members

Copy of family members’ K-ETA approval, passports, Korean visas, flight itineraries, and family certificates


I do not have strong financial documents. Can I submit my partner’s document as he/she can be my guarantor?


I am a domestic helper. I will be travelling to Korea for holiday without my employer but they will be my sponsored. Can I submit his / her bank statements?


I do not have bank statements from Malaysia yet. Can I submit my Malaysian relatives’ or friend’s financial document?

Please be informed that the Embassy may only accept the financial documents from your spouse or parents (for students) only. If you are going to submit the financial documents from your spouse or parents, please bring them with a guarantee letter signed by the account owner, a copy of their IC or passport, and the document to prove your family relationship. (Please note that a guarantee letter and a copy of your spouse’s (or parents’) IC or passport must be notarized before being submitted to our Embassy.)


Additional document may be requested (i.e.: letter of employment & tax receipt for the most recent year and etc.) if it is deemed necessary when reviewing your visa application.


We do not accept any guarantee letter and financial documents from partner, siblings, relatives, employer, friends, sponsor and etc.


I am going to apply for a long-term visa. Can I bring my family?

Maybe yes, depending on your visa type.


D-type or E-type visa holders (e.g., D-1, D-2, D-9, E-7, etc.) may be allowed to bring his/her spouse and children aged below 18 years old. In order to bring your family, you need to prove that you are financially capable of supporting your family members.


However, you will be required to provide more documents to prove your financial capabilities and the family relations.


I am a Malaysian. Can I apply for a H2 working holiday visa?

Malaysia and Korea does not have any agreement on this visa type. Therefore, Malaysian is not eligible to apply H2 visa.


I used to have a H2 visa before. Can I re-apply for a H2 working visa in a different country?

You only can apply a H2 visa from the Korean Embassy or Consulate in your home country only.


How can I apply for a multiple entry visas?

Please send us email at myvisa@mofa.go.kr


In the email, please mention:

  • 1.Your nationality

  • 2.Whether you have previous multiple entry visa or not

  • 3.Whether you have been to Korea or not

  • 4.If yes, how many times

  • 5.Your annual income per year

  • 6.Purpose of visiting Korea


For F-6 Visa: Any designated hospital for Korean spouse to do medical check up in Korea?  







What about for Malaysian spouse?

No, the Korea Immigration Service did not designate any specific hospitals in Korea. You may get medical check up at any general hospital (i.e. hospitals with 30 beds or more) which provides medical check up for candidates of government officers in Korea. 


We do not have designated hospitals for F-6 visa health certificate in Malaysia. Therefore, we will accept medical certificates issued by any respectable Malaysian hospitals as long as it contains all the required items.


For F-6 Visa: Any specific details must be shown in medical report such as, Syphilis, HIV check? 

Yes, the report must include the test results on HIV, other sexually transmitted disease, communicable disease, and mental health. 


My visa got rejected even I have provided all the necessary documents.


Can I appeal?

The Embassy rejected your visa application as after reviewing the document you submitted we decided your conditions did not meet our requirements. You may check the result and reason of the rejection on the Korea Visa Portal website, and we do not provide further details.


Unfortunately there is no appeal procedure at the Embassy level, but you may bring the case to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in Korea through your (legal) representative in Korea.


If you want to re-apply for a visa, please do so after three months. And please be kindly informed that the Embassy does not guarantee the issue of a visa and will make a decision based on the documents which you will submit at the time of your re-application



