2024 Changwon K-pop World Festival Regional Preliminary in Qatar
The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the State of Qatar is happy to announce that we will be holding a regional preliminary to select participants for the 2024 Changwon K-pop World Festival in October.
All K-pop fans in Qatar are welcome to join the regional preliminary in Qatar. We look forward to have you take part of this unforgettable celebration of movement and music.
1. Eligibility
●Resident in Qatar (no nationality restriction)
※︎If you are a Korean national, it is highly recommended to contact the Embassy before deciding participation.
●No restriction on age and gender. However, it is recommended that participants should be at least 16 years old.
2. Number of teams/solo selected as Winners for the Regional Preliminary in Qatar
※︎ Depending on certain circumstances, the Embassy may not decide/announce winners
●Dance category: maximum 2 teams/solo
●Vocal category: maximum 1 team/solo
3. Evaluation Scores (Total 100 points)
※︎ The evaluation will be conducted by panel of independent judges.
●Choreography skill/compostion/uniformity: 30 points
●Charm and expression: 40 points
●Stage control and charisma: 30 points
4. Submissions
●Applicants should submit Ⓐ︎ 2 video files (or a link) as written below, and Ⓑ︎ the attached application form filled and signed, to kangmk1107@mofa.or.kr by July 18, 2024.
(1)Video file 1: Dance or Vocal Performance
○The performers should be recorded with tight full shots so that all performers can be seen clearly from the center of the front
○ The video should be recorded under bright lighting
○ The audio should be heard clearly
○ The title of the video file should be
(2)Video File 2: Interview
○The applicant should mention:
a.Introduction of him/herself (name, nationality, age, occupation, etc.)
b.Motivation to participate
c.Reason for the choice of music of the performance video
d.Favorite K-pop artist
e.Any comments and message to the judges
f."2024 Changwon KWF Coming Soon, Go for it!" (Please read this sentence)
○ The video should be recorded with a bust shot
○The interview language must be in English
○If participating as a team, all team members should be present in the interview video and should not shoot an interview video separately. However, each member should at least introduce him/herself in the interview video but may choose not to mention other details mentioned above.
●If the video file is too big to send via email, the Embassy will accept submission through an accessible(should not require additional process such as registration or subscription of any kind to access the video) online link such as, but not limited to, YouTube.
5. Results for the Regional Preliminary in Qatar
●The results will be announced via the Embassy's Instagram and Facebook account no later than August 11, 2024
6. Main Competition
●Once the winners for the regional preliminary in Qatar has been decided, the Embassy will inform the winners to the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS), the host of 2024 Changwon K-pop World Festival, who will decide which preliminary winners will make it to the main competition.
※︎Please be aware that the winners of the regional preliminary in Qatar does NOT automatically guarantee being accepted as participant to the main competition in Korea.
●The main competition will be held in October 2024 in Changwon City, Republic of Korea.
●Air fare and accommodation expenses will be covered for those who are accepted as main competition participants.
7. Contact
●Phone: +974 3017 2504 (WhatsApp, KakaoTalk available)
●Email: kangmk1107@mofa.or.kr