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Notice Korea-Qatar 50th Anniversary Photo Contest Extended(Aug. 20 - Oct. 5) (Please Read Attached Guidelines)


Korea-Qatar 50th Anniversary Photo Contest Extended (Aug. 20 - Sep. 21)  (Please Read Attached Guidelines)

  • The Photo Contest to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Korea-Qatar relations have been extended to September 21.

  • Submission of photos should follow the following steps (please read the attached guidelines)

  • Submission Method: Submit photo or video files via email to hupark24@mofa.go.krWhen submitting the files, please mention the applicant's full name, contact, title of the photo/video, and description of the work (maximum 100 words) in the email.

  • Contest Categories: ⓐ Political and Economic Cooperation, ⓑ Cultural and Human Exchange, ⓒ History and Tradition (apart from the grand prize, there will be prize awarded for each category)

  • Eligibility: Any Koreans and Qatari nationals interested in the bilateral relationship between the two countries are eligible to participate.

  • Inquiries: Send Whatsapp message to +974 7195 7211 or send an email to hupark24@mofa.go.kr.

  • Please refer to the poster below and the attached guildelines. We look forward to your enthusiastic participation.
