Submission of Tuberculosis (TB) Test Certificate for Visa Application
○ Applicable to
▷ Nationals from high TB burden countries who reside in Singapore for less than 6 months (at the time of visa application) and apply for C-4-1~4 (C-4-5 is not required) or long-term visas.
※ Long-term visas refer to visas that allow the holder to stay in Korea for more than 90 days.
- Includes D-type and F-type visas.
- Includes applicants who received Confirmation of Visa Issuance Number (CVI)
○ High TB burden countries
Nepal | Timor Leste | Russia | Malaysia | Mongolia | Myanmar |
Bangladesh | Vietnam | Sri Lanka | Uzbekistan | India | Indonesia |
China | Cambodia | Kyrgyzstan | Thailand | Pakistan | Philippines |
Laos | Kazakhstan | Tajikistan | Ukraine | Azerbaijan | Belarus |
Moldova | Nigeria | South Africa | Ethiopia | Congo | Kenya |
Mozambique | Zimbabwe | Angola | Peru | Papua New Guinea |
○ Exemptions
The following are exempted from this requirement
▷ Applicants who apply for A-1 (Diplomatic), A-2 (Official) and A-3 (Treaties) visas.
▷ Children below 6 years old
▷ Pregnant applicants (Doctor's letter issued within recent 1 month confirming pregnancy is required)
○ Documents required
① Certificate of Health (refer to attachment)
② Chest X-ray report / radiology report
※ The TB test must be conducted in Singapore or Korea.
※Both documents must be issued within recent 3 months.
○ Note
▷ If for some reason the applicant is unable to undergo a chest X-ray, the doctor must state the type of alternative TB test conducted (i.e sputum test, tuberculin skin test or blood test) in the Certificate of Health and attach the report of the alternative TB test result.
Related questions |
1) I am a national from high TB burden country but I reside in Singapore for more than 6 months. Am I still required to submit TB test certificate? ▷︎ No, you are not required to submit TB test certificate. |
2) My country is not listed under high TB burden countries. Am I required to submit TB test certificate? ▷︎ No, you are not required to submit TB test certificate. |