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Special Entry Procedure to the Republic of Korea


Special Entry Procedure to the Republic of Korea

As a measure to prevent further inflow of COVID-19, the Government of the Republic of Korea has decided to expand its Special Entry Procedure to all Koreans and foreign nationals entering Korea from 19 March 2020 (12am).

Health Declaration and Travel Record Declaration

All inbound travelers are required to fill out both forms upon arrival. Travelers need to provide their mobile phone number (make sure roaming is enabled) and domestic address in Korea.

Health screening

All inbound travelers will have their temperature checked.

Self Diagnosis Mobile Application

All inbound travelers must install the Self Diagnosis Mobile App by the Ministry of Health and Welfare Korea.


Korea Immigration Service officials will checked on site whether the travelers can be reached at the phone number provided, and that Self Diagnosis Mobile App is installed. Entry will be denied to those whose phone number and address cannot be verified.
