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Nationality Selection(국적선택) (Application for Dual Nationality through Foreign Nationality Non-Exercise Pledge)


<Guidance on Nationality Selection (Application for Dual Nationality through Foreign Nationality Non-Exercise Pledge) (외국국적불행사 서약을 통한 국적선택(복수국적) 안내)> 



Update Date: July 24, 2024

● Eligible for nationality selection(국적선택) report (allowing dual nationality)

- A person who was born between a parent who is a Korean national and a parent who is a foreign national in the United States and 

has both Korean and foreign nationality from the beginning can choose whether to have both US and Korean nationality by reporting nationality selection before turning 22 years old.


- Even after the age of 22, a person who has fulfilled his military service obligation can report his nationality selection within two years from the date of completion of his military service. (However, those who were born abroad are excluded)


● If the above nationality selection period has passed, you can report the reacquisition of nationality with a foreign nationality non-exercise pledge within two years from the date of promulgation (May 4, 2010) of the revised law (however, you can only report it in Korea, and you cannot report it at overseas diplomatic missions).

1. Concept and meaning of the term


It means that a person who has both foreign nationality and Korean nationality at the time of birth does not exercise his/her foreign nationality in Korea with a "foreign nationality non-exercise pledge(외국국적불행사서약)" 

(only selection is possible after renouncing foreign nationality for those who were born abroad)

Nationality selection report(국적선택신고) is only possible by visiting (reservation required in advance), and mail report is not possible. (Please click here to make a reservation)
Those who are 15 years of age or older must visit and apply in person. (Parents cannot apply instead)

※ If the parent(s) of the nationality selector were Korean nationals in the past and acquired US citizenship without losing their nationality, they need to report their loss of nationality(국적상실신고) (Please click here). 

☞ You can submit your parent's loss of nationality report together when you come to submit your child's nationality selection.



2. Application deadline

A person who has dual nationality before turning 20 years old can apply until he/she turns 22 years old.

In the case of a man, it is possible even after the age of 22 within two years from the date of completion of his military service obligation.


3. Exclusion criteria for maternity tourism

1) If the parent(s) were permanent residents or citizens or applied for them before and after the foreign birth
2) If the parent(s) resided in a foreign country for more than one year and six months after birth, or for more than two years before and after birth due to reasons such as overseas work, study abroad, etc.
3) If the mother resided in a foreign country for more than 10 months before birth



4. Required documents and fee information

1) Nationality selection(국적선택) application (form)
•  Submit one photo taken within the last 6 months (3.5cm x 4.5cm or 2inch x 2inch) attached to the application form

※ You must bring a printed photo as the consulate does not take pictures.

•  Date of acquisition of Korean nationality for dual nationality: Enter the date of birth on the family relationship certificate, check the reason for acquisition "birth"
•  Date of acquisition of foreign nationality for dual nationality: Enter the date of birth on the US birth certificate, check the reason for acquisition "birth"

2) Foreign Nationality Non-Execution Pledge(외국국적 불행사서약서) (form) 

3) Email Transmission Consent (Form)

4) Original and copy of the US birth certificate (issued by the county)

5) Original and copy of valid US passport copy

6) Original and copy of the Korean passport 1 copy (submit only if you have a valid Korean passport)


7) Please submit a certificate of identity(form) if your name on the U.S. passport is different from the name registered in Korea.


8) Basic certificate (detailed) and family relationship certificate (detailed) of the reporter 1 copy each (original issued within the last 3 months, disclosure of the last digit of the resident registration number)

9) Basic certificate (detailed) of both parents 1 copy each (original issued within the last 3 months, disclosure of the last digit of the resident registration number)

☞ Certificates 8~9) can also be issued at the consulate, and you can apply at the same time as you report your nationality selection. (The fee is $1 per copy in cash, and you need to know your place of origin and resident registration number to apply for the certificate. Please click here for certificate application information.)

10) Documents proving that you are not born abroad (choose one of the items ①, ②, ③)
① Original and copy of the parent(s)'s permanent residence or citizenship certificate
② Original and copy of the parent(s)'s permanent residence or citizenship application documents
③ Documents proving that the parent(s) resided abroad for more than two years before and after the child's birth due to overseas work, study abroad, etc.
(For example, diploma, transcript, certificate of employment, dispatch certificate, etc. or Korean passport and US visa at the time of stay in the US)

11) In case of a man who has completed his military service obligation, a military status certificate issued by the Military Manpower Administration or a resident registration transcript with the contents of military service exemption, original and copy (must be an original issued within 3 months)

[Reference] How to issue a military status certificate issued by the Military Manpower Administration

12) No fee

13) Return envelope, stamp (size does not matter)

We will send you the results by mail later.


5. Expected processing time and notes

1) Expected processing time: about 6 months


2) Reporter's visit required (15 years old or older) (In case of under 15 years old, legal representative (father or mother) visits and reports)


3) Only possible by visiting, mail report not possible


4) Reservation required when visiting (Please Click here to go to the reservation)



If you have any further questions, please contact us at 312-822-9485 Ext.125

or chicagonat@mofa.go.kr anytime.
