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Reinstatement of Korean Nationality for Korean Adoptees(입양아의 국적회복)


Reinstatement of Korean Nationality for Korean Adoptees(입양아의 국적회복)



Update Date: July 24, 2024




1. the Reinstatement of Korean Nationality?


•  It is a way for people who lost their Korean nationality to get it back.

•  If you were born in Korea and moved to the U.S., you automatically lost your Korean nationality when you became a U.S. citizen. This means that Korean adoptees who became U.S. citizens after being adopted lost their Korean nationality too.

Therefore, you need to report the loss of your Korean nationality before you can apply for reinstatement. For more information about how to report the loss of your Korean nationality(국적상실), please click here.


•  You can also keep your current nationality if you are one of the following:

① Korean adoptees who were adopted when they were under age

② Spouse of Korean citizens

③ over 65 years old (can only be submitted to the immigration office in Korea)

④ Individuals who have outstanding achievements


•  You can submit your application for reinstatement of Korean nationality to the Korean Embassy/Consulate in your country/state of residence or a local Korean Immigration Service office in Korea. (You cannot mail it)

•  To visit our office, you need to make an appointment first. For how to make an appointment, please click here.




2. Required documents


① Application for Reinstatement of Korean Nationality (국적회복허가신청서, Form)


② Statement on Identity (신원진술서, *Form)


③ Questionnaires for reinstatement of nationality (국적회복진술서, Form)


④ Statement on Family relations (가족관계통보서, *Form, must be HAND WRITTEN, not typed and printed)

⑤ Email Transmission Consent (정보통신망을 이용한 통보 및 송달 동의서, *Form)


 Original and a copy of Certificate of Naturalization (the original will be returned)


 Original and a copy of Valid US passport


 Proof of name change (if applicable)

※ Adoption document is acceptable if it shows your old Korean name and the new name.


 FBI Background check (Federal-level apostilled required)*



[Reference 1] How to Obtain an FBI Criminal Background Check (For detailed instructions, please contact the FBI)

(1) Apply via the official FBI website (click for direct access)

(2) Visit a post office that offers fingerprinting services.

(3) Have your fingerprints taken at the post office.

(4) Request the issuance of documents via mail.

(5) Receive by mail (online 2-3 days, postal mail 3-4 weeks).


[Reference 2] U.S. Department of State Apostille for Criminal Background Checks

Refer to the website of the issuing authority for the Department of State apostille (click for direct access)



Minors, individuals over the age of 60 and those with special merits are exempt from submission


⑩ Korean family relationship certificate(가족관계증명서) and Basic certificate(기본증명서) issued within 3 months

※ You can apply for your Korean documents at our office as long as you have your Korean ID number(주민등록번호) or Permanent family registry address(본적주소). It costs $1.00/copy (cash or money order only).

※ You can contact your adoption agency if you don't have the information of the Korean ID number(주민등록번호) or Permanent family registry address(본적주소) that you are registered with in Korea.

•  For how to apply for a Family relationship certificate(가족관계증명서) and Basic certificate(기본증명서), please click here


⑪ Fee $188 by cash or money order


⑫ Return envelope, stamp (size does not matter)




3. Processing time 


•  It takes about over 1 year from the date you submit your application.

•  The result will be sent to your email, and a ceremony will be held at the consulate office where you will receive the Certificate of Reinstatement.




4. What do I need to do after recovering my Korean nationality?


① You have to submit the "Declaration Not to Exercise Foreign Nationality in Korea(외국국적불행사서약서)" within 1 year from the approval date in order to keep your original nationality. 

•  You can submit it to one of the consulate offices with the form, your US passport, Certificate of Reinstatement, 1 photo, and $2(cash or personal check only). You can do it on the same day of your ceremony at our office.

② After you submit the "Declaration Not to Exercise Foreign Nationality in Korea(외국국적불행사서약서), it takes 3~4 months for your Basic certificate(기본증명서) to show the reinstatement of nationality. Once your Basic certificate(기본증명서) says the reinstatement of nationality(국적회복), you can make your Korean passport.

•  For how to apply for a Basic certificate(기본증명서)

•  To make a Korean passport, you should bring your Basic certificate(기본증명서), valid U.S. passport, 1 photo(2' x 2') taken within 6 months (photo is optional as there is a photo booth in our office for Korean passport application.), and the fee ($50 for 26 pages / $53 for 58 pages). You need to make an appointment before you visit. For how to make an appointment, please click here.




5. Things to remember as a dual citizen


•  You cannot use your foreign nationality in Korea, and you always have to use your Korean passport when entering Korea.

•  For the 3rd country, you can use any passport you want.

•  You have to do all the duties that are required as a Korean.



Please contact us, if you have any questions.


T. 312-822-9485  Ext. 125

E. chicagonat@mofa.go.kr


주시카고총영사관 국적병역과

(Military Service / Nationality Division of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago)

T. 312-822-9485 Ext.125

E. chicagonat@mofa.go.kr

ADD. Korean Consulate General NBC Tower 2700, 455 N. Cityfront Plaza Dr., Chicago, IL 60611
