Loss of nationality(국적상실)
1. Concept and meaning of the term
When a Korean national acquires a foreign nationality, he/she automatically loses his/her Korean nationality from the date of acquisition, and Overseas Koreans who have lost their Korean nationality must report their loss of nationality to the competent consulate.
Loss of nationality report is only possible by visiting (reservation required in advance), and mail report is not possible.
(Please click here to go to the reservation)
2. Required documents and fee information
1) Loss of nationality application (*attached form)
• Attach one photo taken within the last 6 months (3.5cm x 4.5cm or 2inch x 2inch) to the application form,
※ You must bring a printed photo as the consulate does not take pictures.
• Date of loss of nationality: Date of acquisition of citizenship
2) Original and copy of the valid US passport
3) Original and copy of the citizenship certificate
※ If you did not receive a citizenship certificate when you acquired US citizenship through overseas adoption, you can submit an adoption approval certificate and foreign documents that you received at the time of adoption approval.
4) If the name on the citizenship certificate and the name on the basic certificate are different
• Certificate of identity (*attached form) 1 copy
• Name change document 1 copy if you changed your name when applying for citizenship
(For example, if there is a name change content on the back of the citizenship certificate, a original and copy of the back of the citizenship certificate or Name change document issued by the court (Petition for name change), marriage certificate required for name change due to marriage)
5) Family relationship certificate (detailed) and basic certificate (detailed) of the person who reported the loss of nationality 1 copy each (original issued within the last 3 months, disclosure of the last digit of the resident registration number)
☞ Certificate 5 can also be issued at the consulate, and you can apply at the same time as you report your loss of nationality.
(The fee is $1 per copy in cash, and you also need to know Your place of origin and resident registration number to apply for the certificate. Please click here for certificate application information.)
6) In case of a minor child who acquired citizenship with his/her parent(s) as a family, the following documents must be submitted
• Original and copy of the parent(s)'s citizenship certificate 1 copy (your child citizenship certificate can be omitted)
• Original and copy of the child's US passport
• If a minor child acquires US (or third country) nationality with his/her parent(s) and reports the loss of nationality with his/her parent(s)'s citizenship certificate, the parent(s)'s loss of nationality report is also required.
7) No fee
8) Return envelope, stamp (size does not matter)
3. Expected processing time and notes
1) Expected processing time: about 6 months
2) The reporter himself/herself or a relative within the fourth degree of kinship can apply
3) Only possible by visiting, mail report not possible
• Reservation required when visiting (Click here to go to the reservation)
If you have a question, Please feel free to contact me.
E. chicagonat@mofa.go.kr T. 312-822-9485 Ext.125