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제목 Letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea
작성자 Ade Mahendra
작성일 2013-04-12
First of all, I would like to introduce you my name’s Ade Mahendra, Indonesian citizen who working in Plant Management Team of PT. Hankook Tire Indonesia. Our company, PT. Hankook Tire Indonesia has invested in Indonesia approximately 2 (two) years ago, at that time while doing the construction of the plant, we are also trying to get Pipeline Natural Gas (PNG) as one of the main fuel of our plant from Indonesian state gas company, nevertheless the process of getting PNG didn't run smoothly due to limited of gas quota in Indonesia. On this occasion, The South Korea Ambassador to Indonesia H.E Mr. Kim Young-sun has assisted us to meet with the related parties such as the local government, Indonesian Ministers and as well as, Indonesian state gas company. Ambassador H.E Mr. Kim Young-sun has helped a lot to overcome the above issues, while also facilitated us to meet with the related parties in Indonesia to solve this matters and as a result, the problem of gas demand was already completed and gas pipeline was being built to our factory. Currently our production process has been started since five months ago so that’s why we would like to express our sincere thanks for his kind assistance and endeavors. Prior to joining PT. Hankook Tire Indonesia, I've worked in several foreign companies, but I've never seen a tremendous dedication from a foreign ambassador in helping the companies from his origin country like Ambassador H.E Mr. Kim Young-sun. Currently, our company opened Korean language course for its employees and right now I’m learning Korean language as well, however to improve my Korean language skills I often read some Korean magazines published in Indonesia and I saw the pictures of Ambassador H.E Mr. Kim Young-sun and his routine activities, although my Korean language skills were not so good but I am often asked with Korean employees regarding those magazine news, they said that Ambassador H.E Mr. Kim Young-sun is a hard worker in supporting Korea companies in Indonesia while also improve friendly relationship between Korea-Indonesia. I realized that Republic of Korea is a developed country where the government’s voices through its foreign ambassadors have one voice and one purpose in achieving success. Finally through this letter, we would like to express our gratitude and highest appreciation to the South Korea Ambassador to Indonesia H.E Mr. Kim Young-sun and Commercial Attache Mr. Lee Kyung Ho for their kind assistance and supports to our company. Sincerely, Ade Mahendra PT. Hankook Tire Indonesia