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Consular/Visa Service

Visa Requirements

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F-6 Marriage Migrant Visa


**Must read before applying for your visa***

※ You must submit your application in-person and appointments are required to visit our office (☞ CLICK)

※ You must submit your F-6 visa application in-person

 Processing Time: 3 - 4 weeks 

 There is NO EXPEDITED process for applications

 We don't provide service to check your visa application status. However, you can check your status through our Korea Visa portal website. ( View instructions)

 Consular Jurisdiction of Seattle

Our jurisdiction is Washington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho. Applicants who do not live in these areas, please contact the appropriate Korean Consular Office in your respective area. (☞ Click for more information)

□ Eligible Applicants for a Marriage Migrant (F-6) Visa 

A person with valid marital status in Korea, who plans to stay in Korea to continue your marriage

 Single entry visa : The Sojourn Period for 90 days / Validity Period for 90 days


□ Required Documents

   1. Visa Application Form


   2. Original Passport

   3. One Photo 

       * A physical/printed 2x2 photo taken within the last 6 months, DO NOT PRINT AT HOME

   4. Fee $45 (for US citizens, Non-US citizens fees vary  View Fees by Country)

   5. A Letter of Guarantee from Inviter (written in Korean by Korean spouse)

   6. Marriage Migrant Invitation Letter (written in Korean by Korean spouse)

   7. Marriage Migrant Personal Statement written in either Korean or English


   8. Inviter’s Copy of Passport

   9. Inviter's Basic Certificate (기본증명서 원본, 3개월이내 발급만 인정)

   10. Inviter's Family Relation Certificate (가족증명서 원본, 3개월이내 발급만 인정)

   11. Inviter's Marriage Certificate (혼인관계증명서 원본, 3개월이내 발급만 인정)

   12. Inviter's Resident Registration (주민등록등본 원본, 3개월이내 발급만 인정)

   13. Marriage Certificate from the Migrant's Country of Origin

   14. Required Documents for Income and Residency of Inviter

- Amount of Income Certificate (issued by the National Tax Services)

- Credit Information Report (issued by bank association)


   * If inviter wants to prove his/her Earned Income

- Invoice of Withholding Tax (issued by the place of employment)


- Certificate of Employment (If you are currently employed)

- Certificate of Career (If you were employed in the past)

- A copy of Business Registration Certificate (If you run the company)

 ※ If it is too difficult to prove your income through the documents mentioned above, you can submit following documents instead- copy of account bank statement, pay check, confirmation of health insurance qualification gain/loss, and etc.

   * If inviter wants to prove his/her Business Income

- Business Registration Certificate (not including agriculture, fishing industry)


- Any documents that can prove the applicant's annual income (ex, farmland register, certificate of member of association, confirmation letter on farming, etc.)

- Documents proving other income or assets

- Documents proving residency requirements (certified copy of real estate register or rental agreement)

   15. Documents for Communication and Language Proficiency

▷ Use of Korean Language (Select one for submission)
- TOPIK Report Card
- Designated Educational Organization Certificate
- Certificate of Degree in Korean Language
- Documents proving you are an overseas Korean with a foreign nationality 
- Documents proving you had lived in Korea before for one year or more
▷ Use of Languages Other than Korean(Select one for submission)
- Documents proving your ability to speak the respective language
- Documents proving you had lived abroad before for one year or more  

   16. Non US citizens must also submit a notarized copy of valid US permanent resident card or valid long-term US visa 

   17. If you were Korean national in the past, please provide additional document for loss of Korean nationality (국적상실)

-If you have reported renunciation before 2008, a copy of Certificate of Family Registry/제적등본 (issued within 3 months)

-If you have reported renunciation after 2008, a copy of Family Relation Certificate/가족관계증명서 and Basic Certificate/기본증명서 (issued within 3 months, detailed version)

   18. Inviter's & foreign spouse's medical certificates and criminal history records (must be issued within 6 month of the application date) 

▷Medical certificate

   : The applicants must undergo a medical examination at medical institutions and the medical institution name, address, contact number, and physician’s signature need to be included.

▷Criminal history records

   - Inviter : 한국 범죄경력증명서

   - Foreign spouse : Criminal history record check issued by FBI and Apostille confirmation US Department State office of Authentications (Washington D.C) It must be issued within 6 months before application submission (No Exceptions).

■ Exemptions for inviter's & foreign spouse's medical certificates and criminal history records if you meet one of the following objects 

① Documents proving the inviter has been in a relationship with a foreign spouse while stayed in the spouse’s country for at least 6 months or both spouses lived in a third country on a long-term visa

② Documents proving the inviter has been in a relationship with a foreign spouse while the foreign spouse legally resided in Korea for at least 91 days on a long-term visa

③ Where it is deemed necessary to take humanitarian considerations, such as pregnancy and  childbirth

※ Please note that we may request for additional documents if it's deemed necessary to review the purpose of entry.
