1. Program Objectives
Global Korea Scholarship is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea at graduate-level degrees, which will enhance international education exchange and deepen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries
2. Required Documents
o Applicant Form (Form 1)
o Personal Statement (Form 2)
o Study Plan (Form 3)
o Research Proposal (Form 4) ONLY applicable for Research Program applicants
o One letter of Recommendation (Form 5)
o Letter of Invitation (Form 6) ONLY applicable for Research Program applicants
o GKS Application Agreement (Form 7)
o Personal Medical Assessment (Form 8)
o Bachelor's/Master's Diploma or Certificate of Degree
o Bachelor's/Master's degree Transcript
o Applicant's Proof of Citizenship
o Parents' Proof of Citizenship
* Please refer to the attached application guidelines for some other documents for relevant applicants to submit.
** Applicants must submit 1 set of original application documents and 3 sets of photocopies, identical to the original set.
3. Submission Procedures
o Application Deadline: Thursday, March 9, 2023
o Mail to: Consulate General of the Republic of Korea
115 W Mercer St. Seattle, WA 98119
4. Inquiries
o E-mail: seattleedu@mofa.go.kr
o Phone: 206-441-1011 Ext. 303
※ Please refer to the attached guidelines for detailed information.