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About the Mission

Ambassador’s Greetings

  1. About the Mission
  2. Ambassador’s Greetings

Welcome to the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

I am KIM Junpyo, the 23rd Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Iran holds a prominent position as a political and economic powerhouse in the Middle East. Its significance emanates from a domestic market of 87 million people; a vast territory equivalent to the combined size of the UK, France, Germany, and Spain; abundant natural resources; and a strategic location bridging Asia, Europe and Africa. The Iranian nation takes pride in its rich history and culture dating back to the ancient Persian era.

Over a lengthy period, Korea and Iran have forged a deep bond of trust and friendship. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between Seoul and Tehran in 1962, our cooperation has continually evolved across politics, economy, and culture.

The symbolic ‘Tehran street’ in Seoul and ‘Seoul street’ in Tehran stand as tangible representations of the enduring friendship between the two nations. Taekwondo has gained immense popularity in Iran, while Korean movies, dramas, and music enjoy widespread acclaim among Iranian youth.

Despite challenges in our bilateral relations, sustained dialogue and cooperation, anchored in robust trust and friendship, have enabled our countries to overcome difficulties. With a renewed momentum for collaboration, our Embassy will continue to be committed to enhancing our longstanding friendly relations.

Thank you.

Ambassador Kim Junpyo