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Consular/Visa Service

Working Holiday

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공지 Korea Working Holiday Visa

주 덴마크 대사관

 - Korean Working Holiday Visa for Danish Passport Holders -

Based on "Memorandum of Understanding Between The Government of the Republic of Korea and The Government of The Kingdom of Denmark Concerning a Working Holiday Programme", the Republic of Korea has a Working Holiday Program with Denmark since 2011.

The main purpose of this visa is to allow you to have an extended holiday while supplementing your funds with short-term work in Korea. This one-time only visa allows you tremendous flexibility to immerse yourself in Korean culture. Working Holiday Permit Holders are also permitted to study or train at a private educational institution during their stay.

※ Please fully understand that this program is primarily intended as a travel vacation, and employment is only intended to supplement your expenses.

1. Eligibility

- Be between the ages of 18 and 34 years (inclusive) at the time of application

*The age limit for Korea-Denmark Working Holiday program is changed from 18-30 years old to 18-34 years old effective from 2024 June 1

- Not be accompanied by any dependents at any point in time during your stay in Korea 

- Be inside Denmark when you apply and when your visa is granted  (You must be habitually resident in Denmark)

- Must hold a valid Danish passport 

- Must hold health insurance for the duration of your stay in Korea

- Have sufficient funds to support yourself for the initial period of your holiday (DKK 17,000 is regarded as sufficient) 

- Have a return ticket or sufficient funds to purchase one (10,000 DKK)

- Not have previously entered Korea on a Working Holiday Visa

- Must submit visa application fee upon submission of visa application documents.


2. Required Documents for Visa Application 

(1) Visa application form (download : https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/dk-en/brd/m_7038/view.do?seq=761143&page=1)

-Your visa application form must include hand-written signature on the last page.

(2) One photocopy of passport and original passport with remaining validity of at least 13 months 

(3) One color photo in photographic paper (3.5 x 4.5)  

  * Photos must have been taken within the past 6 months.  

    Printed photographs are not accepted.

    The bright background is preferred over a dark one.  

(4) Visa Application Fee 630 DKK (Payment Method: Cash or MobilePay) 

(5) Return ticket or sufficient funds to buy one  (10,000 dkk/ Certificate of Danish Bank Balance with Bank Stamp·Signature. The Certificate must include current balance, account holder's information such as your name, CPR number, CPR address)

(6) Proof of financial support or other documents that show you have sufficient funds to support yourself (17,000 dkk) (Certificate of Danish Bank Balance with Bank Stamp·Signature. The Certificate must include current balance, account holder's information such as your name, CPR number, CPR address)

(7) Document proving current occupation in Denmark. (If you are a student, you can submit the proof of student status or proof of highest academic qualifications) 

(8) Document proving student status or highest academic qualifications

(9) Documentation proving that you have taken out a healthcare insurance covering you during the full period of your stay in Korea to the extent the agreement between your home country and Korea requires it. (For example, the insurance covers hospitalization/ medical expenses/ medical evacuation, etc. Therefore, your injuries from Korea should be able to be treated in Denmark)

※ The Insurance document must clearly state the Insurance period and coverage.

(10) Activity Plans (attached): you have to edit the word file attached. (Please write your monthly plan or more in details)

 ※ If you are staying at a private home, you must additionally provide the following document below. 

(11) Invitation letter from your guarantor in Korea (stating that you will be traveling in Korea and they are guaranteeing your stay in Korea) 

(12) Copy of passport (only bio-page) and Korean Residence Card (front/back page) (If the guarantor is not Korean) of your guarantor. 


※ If documents are in Danish (e.g. Insurance document or academic qualification document), you must translate them into English and submit the documents both in Danish and English.  

3. Visa Application Documents Submission

Required documents must be submitted in person. Visa application is not accepted via post for any reasons.  


4. Visa Issuance Process

- Visa screening & Issuance takes up to 15 days in business days (3 weeks) from the application date. (It may take longer than 15 days if applicants fail to submit the required documents.)

5. Note

-From 2 Jan 2025, Visiting Consular Section of Korean Embassy to Denmark requires to make an appointment online in advance. Check the notice : https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/dk-en/brd/m_7038/view.do?seq=761294&page=1

- For visa and your passport pick-up, in-person visit is also required. 

- Consular Officer will notify applicants of the scheduled pick-up date when applicants visit the Embassy for visa application.

- Your passport will be kept during the processing time.

*6 Month Validity Rule : It means that your passport should be valid for more than six months before you would be allowed to enter Korea. (When you apply for a visa, your passport must be valid for more than six months.)
- All submitted documents and visa fee for the visa application are non-returnable and non-refundable under any circumstances.


 Limit of Employment period

Limit of Academic period

 Duration of stay in Korea


 *9 months in total

 6 months

 Maximum 1 year (Multiple-entry)

* Per week, 25 hours. / In total, 950 hours. (25 hours x 38 weeks)

* For detailed information on allowed employment activity, please refer to the attached ([Notice])

For further questions, please contact by email, not the phone call. (korembdk@mofa.go.kr)

※ Before visiting the Embassy, check Embassy Holidays (2024): https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/dk-en/brd/m_25539/view.do?seq=2&page=1
