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Notice Bringing medicines into Korea by travel


Bringing medicines into Korea by travel

▢ Non-narcotic medicines

When travelling to Korea, you must prove that the medicines you are carrying are for your personal use. Examples of such proof include a prescription, medical certificate or pharmacy label on the packaging. 

The medicines are allowed with a maximum of 6 bottles or three months' supply.

You may also be asked to provide a receipt or other proof that the medicines you are bringing with you were purchased lawfully. You must be able to present this proof when you pass through border control. We recommend that you keep medicines in their original packaging.

For details, please refer to the attached Customs Clearance of Medications and Health Functional Foods guide.

▢ Medicines containing narcotic active substances

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) enacted a provision to approve a person carrying with him/her medicines with controlled substances (narcotic drugs or psychoactive substances) for his/her own treatment when he/she enters into Korea, which has been implemented since Oct. 23, 2009 under the Enforcement rule of the Narcotics Control Act.

To be approved under the provision, any person who will enter into Korea with medicines containing controlled substances should apply for and get a permit from MFDS, regardless of their nationality. 

Please be informed that any person can check the attached guidelines and notice on the following MFDS  website : https://www.mfds.go.kr/brd/m_74/view.do?seq=43906&srchFr=&srchTo=&srchWord=%EB%A7%88%EC%95%BD&srchTp=0&itm_seq_1=0&itm_seq_2=0&multi_itm_seq=0&company_cd=&company_nm=&Data_stts_gubun=C9999&page=1

For further questions, please directly contact "Narcotics Policy Division" of MFDS +82-43-719-1564 or via e-mail to narcotics@korea.kr 

*Please note that this permit is not approved by the Embassy, It is approved by MFDS. Hence If you have a related inquiry, please check the MFDS information.*
