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About the Embassy

Ambassador’s Greetings

  1. About the Embassy
  2. Ambassador’s Greetings

Welcome to the website of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Ethiopia and the Mission of the Republic of Korea to the African Union!

Ethiopia has a high potential: it is five times the size of the Korean Peninsula; its population is around 120 million; and young people are more than 60% of its population. Also, it is in Addis Ababa where the headquater of the African Union (AU), which has 55 member states, is located.

Ethiopia is an ally committed to protecting democracy and freedom on the Korean Peninsula during the Korean War by sending more than 6,000 troops, and as the largest development cooperation partner in Africa, the two countries maintain special friendly relations that help each other to peace and prosperity. In addition, the direct flight between Incheon and Addis Ababa, which opened in 2018, serves as a gateway between Korea and Africa.

With the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2023 and the Korea-Africa Summit in 2024, the Korean Embassy is striving to become a true partner for Ethiopia and Africa to get closer and expand cooperation in areas such as trade investment and people-to-people exchanges beyond development cooperation.

In addition, the Korean Embassy also serves as both Djibouti and Seychelles. We will do our utmost to ensure the safety and rights of the Koreans by closely communicating with whom are visiting Ethiopia, Djibouti and Seychelles.

We ask for your generous attention and support,
Once again, thank you for visiting our embassy's website.

Ambassador of the Republic of Korea JUNG KANG