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Consular/Visa Service

Visa Requirements

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  2. Visa Requirements
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F-6 Marriage Migrant


 ☆ Must Read Before Application: General Information for visa

○ Eligible Applicant

• Spouse of a Korean citizen (Marriage must be registered to both country, Korea and applicant's home country)

 * Marrige Registration to Korea: LINK

 Parent who is raising a child born between a Korean citizen (including the de facto marital relationship)

○ Period of Stay: Maximum 90 days, single entry valid for 3 months

○ Requirements Prepared by Applicant (Invitee)

1. Visa application filled and signed by applicant (Attachment 1)
2. Passport which is valid more than 6 months (original and 1 copy)
3. 1 photo taken in recent 6 months(3.5*4.5 cm, white background)
4. Visa fee: Euro amount equivalent to US$40

5.  Personal Statement filled in English or Korean(Attachment 3)

6.  Marriage certificate translated in English or Korean(in case your marriage is declared already in your country)

 -  If the document is issued from country other than Korea, Greece, Cyprus and Albania, Apostille is required

7.  Document proving communication language(in case you have)

 - Korean: TOPIK proficiency certificate, diploma regarding Korean language

 - Other language: any document proving proficiency

8. Criminal record

9. Medical examination report on basic physical examination, blood test, urine test, chest X-ray, AIDS, mental illness such as sexually transmitted disease, personality disorder, drug addiction, etc.

○ Requirements Prepared by Korean Spouse (Invitor) 

1. 신원보증서(Letter of Guarantee)
2. 외국인배우자 초청장(Invitation Letter)
3. 기본, 가족관계, 혼인관계증명서(Basic, Family, Marriage Certificate), 주민등록등본(Resident Registration)
4. 소득금액증명원(Certificate of Income)

5. 신용정보조회서(Credit Information Report)

6. 소득입증서류(아래 중 택1, Additional document for proving income)

 - 근로소득 활용 시: 원천징수영수증(과거 1년) 및 재직증명서 등

 - 사업소득 활용 시: 사업자등록증명원 등 

 - 기타소득 및 재산: 관련 사실 입증 서류

7. 부동산등기부 등본(Real Estate Register Certificate) 또는 임대차 계약서(Lease agreement)

8. 범죄수사경력회보서

9. 건강진단서*: 기초 신체검사, 혈액검사, 소변검사, 흉부 엑스레이, 후천성면역결핍증(AIDS), 성병, 인격장애·약물중독 등 정신질환

*「의료법」 제3조제2항제3호에 따른 병원급 의료기관, 「지역보건법」제10조에 따른 보건소 또는 「공무원채용신체검사규정」제3조에 따른 신체검사 실시 검진기관에서 발행한 진단서여야 함

※ National from China, Cambodia, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vietnam is required to submit additional documents and to complete International Marriage Guide Program(국제결혼 안내 프로그램), please contact us for more information.
