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2024 Global Korea Scholarship for Under-Graduate Degrees Program


<2024 Global Korea Scholarship for Under-Graduate Degrees Program>


The Korean Government Scholarship Program sponsored by NIIED (National Institute for International Education) is designed to provide higher education in Korea for international students.

*Period of Scholarship: 1-year Korean Language course + 4 years of Undergraduate studies



-Iran born citizens whose parents are not Korea citizen.

-Must be under 25 years of age (born after March 1, 1999)

-Must hold high school diploma

-GPA more than 80% or the applicant should be among top students of their class top 20%.

You should check the detail conditions enclosed the Application Guidelines.


Place of Submission (Via postal mail or visit): Embassy of the Republic of Korea

No.2 West Daneshvar St., Sheikhbahai Ave., Vanak Sq., Tehran

Postal Code: 1993818181

*Application period: from <2023.09.11 till 2023.10.07> from 9:00 to 15:00 Friday and Saturday Embassy is closed


**First round result via E-mail on 2023.10.12 Applicant will be notified whether you’ve been selected for the second round or failed.

***Please have in mind the number of applications are high and only people who are qualified in every way with better GPAs, language qualifications, well written study plan and etc. will be selected for second round.

****Before submitting your application place every document by the checklist, if the documents are not by the designated sort or lack necessary information you will be disqualified to apply.

*****Second round interviews will be announced around mid of October, you’ll be contacted about the result of the interview accordingly.

[Contact and Questions]

Please, visit the GKS official website www.studyinkorea.go.kr

[English version] Scholarships GKS Notice “2024 Global Korea Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Degrees (via Korean Embassies)”, University Information (Overview of University, Available Departments, Contacts of University Staff)


more questions: kgspniied@korea.kr (GKS desk office email)

Korean Embassy: 021-8805-4900~4

