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Consular/Visa Service

Visa Information

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  2. Visa Service
  3. Visa Information
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Fashion Modeling Visa (C-4-5)


1. Eligibility to apply for a Fashion Modeling Visa (C-4-5)

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are

A person staying in the Republic of Korea for less than 90 days, who plans to work for fashion modeling.

2. Required Documents

① Visa Application Form (Fill out online, printed, and signed) 

*For how to fill out the visa application form, click here.

② Physical Passport (more than 6 months valid) & Copy (personal information section with photo)

*For Non-Norwegian or Non-Icelandic passport holders are required to submit a residence certificate (Bostedsattest) or a copy of residence card (Non-EU citizens) to apply for a visa through us.

 Business Registration Certificate issued by host company in Korea (사업자등록증)

 Pop Culture and Arts Planning Business Registration Certificate issued by host company in Korea (대중문화예술기획업 등록증)

⑤ Value Added Tax Certificate issued by host company in Korea (부가가치세 과세표준증명-매출과세표준)

⑥ Paid Taxes Certificate issued by host company in Korea (납세증명서)

⑦ Stability proof document issued by host company in Korea (기타 기업의 건전성을 증빙하는 서류)

⑧ Advertising/Fashion show Contract, Advertising/Fashion show Outline (광고촬영‧패션쇼 관련 계약서(광고건별 제출), 광고촬영 ‧패션쇼 관련 모델 사용 개요, 국내 활동 계획서)

※ 계약서 필수 포함사항 : 대금 지불방법, 권리의무 관계(저작권), 계약당사자의 서명 또는 날인

⑨ Portfolio (포트폴리오 등 기타 모델의 전문성을 입증할 수 있는 서류)

⑩ (For Minors) △Employment Contract, Parental Consent Form and Birth Certificate/Family Relations  Certificate, Letter of Guarantee (고용계약서, 보호자 동의서, 신원보증서)

⑪ Fees: 400 NOK

*Visa fees vary depending on the nationality.

3. Please Note

❍ Please be informed that it takes about 10 working days to issue a visa after submitting all physical documents to the Embassy. Reservation is required before visiting the Embassy.

❍ C-4-5 visa can be applied for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months. Periods of stay will be granted for up to 90 days for the single-entry visa.

- Those who intend to stay in the Republic of Korea for more than 90 days for the purpose of fashion modeling have to apply for the Confirmation of Visa Issuance from Korea Immigration Office.

❍ For further information, please visit the Korea Visa Portal (www.visa.go.krwebsite.
