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Ambassador Choi hosted luncheon for Ambassadors of Southeast Asian countries in Paris


On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the OECD Southeast Asia Regional Programme (SEARP), Ambassador Choi hosted a luncheon in April 18 for Ambassadors of five Southeast Asia countries(Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam) and OECD Secretariat officials and discussed ways to enhance partnership between the OECD and Southeast Asia through the regional programme.

Ambassador Choi said that SEARP evolved into an important platform for cooperation among the OECD and Southeast Asian countries for the last ten years since its launch in 2014, and anticipated that SEARP would play a crucial role in the implementation of the OECD Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific.

In addition, Ambassador Choi explained Korea’s contribution to efforts through SEARP to disseminate OECD standards and instruments within the region, and expressed Korea’s intention to actively share the experiences and lessons learned from its own accession process 30 years ago.
