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Delegation Introduction

Ambassador’s Greetings

  1. Delegation Introduction
  2. Ambassador’s Greetings

A Warm Welcome to the Official Website of the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO.

“Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed”.

These beautiful words in the Preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO resonate with the Korean people, who lived through the horror of war. Knowing the precious value of peace very well, the Republic of Korea prizes the lofty ideal that lies at the heart of UNESCO. Now more than ever the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO renews its commitment to the message encapsulated in this moving reflection.

Culture can bring people together. K-Pop well demonstrates that. As people all around the world are united in a love for K-Pop, bonds are formed. At this time when the world is seeing conflict and division we look forward to UNESCO fostering a spirit of peace and understanding through the wonderful channel of culture.

The helping hand extended to the ROK in the post-war years was instrumental to many Koreans in us traveling the inspiring path toward a thriving democracy and market economy. The Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO will spare no effort to give back to the international community. UNESCO provides a venue for us to give back by helping our friends around the world. Indeed, we sincerely hope to share Korea’s experience of achieving development through UNESCO’s help with other nations.

The Republic of Korea truly values the noble aims and work of UNESCO. Its work lies at the heart of the values we embrace. Since it was created in 1945 after World War II the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has indeed played an immeasurable part in building peace and sustainable development. It has done so by bringing nations together in a spirit of cooperation in the areas of education, science and culture. In this way it has nurtured an intellectual and moral solidarity amongst humanity. And UNESCO has a more meaningful role than ever to play at this juncture in the path humanity is traveling. Indeed, UNESCO’s expertise and leadership in its areas of competence (education, sciences, culture, and communication & information) are more relevant than ever in contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It serves as a nexus for the 194 Member States to work together for the realization of these goals which are so imperative for the future of humankind.

The bonds between UNESCO and the ROK are deep. Allow me to recount a very special relationship between UNESCO and the Republic of Korea. Korea was completely devastated in the aftermath of the Korean War which broke out shortly after Korea had joined UNESCO on 14 June 1950. Nevertheless, Korea was able to maintain continuity in teaching and learning at schools even in the midst of the war through UNESCO’s emergency aid for printing textbooks. UNESCO’s support for education became a valuable foundation on which Korea was able to eradicate illiteracy, build students’ capacities, and promote economic growth.

The once war-torn, impoverished Korea has developed remarkably over the past decades. Indeed, it has transformed itself into UNESCO's 9th biggest contributor to the regular budgets and 4th for extra-budgetary funding sources. In particular, the Republic of Korea has successfully fulfilled the mandate as Chair of the Executive Board of UNESCO. We have participated in a whole range of programmes and projects as part of UNESCO’s mandates in education, sciences, culture, and communication & information as well as in reform and governance for organizational and managerial efficiency.

Please allow me to take a few examples. The Republic of Korea is playing a leading role in UNESCO’s mandates built upon the universal values of democracy, human rights, social justice and respect for justice through its able Chairpersonship of the Group of Friends for Solidarity and Inclusion with Global Citizenship Education, and the successful hosting of the UNESCO Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination.

Moreover, the Republic of Korea has been playing a valuable part in technical and vocational education and the strengthening of the resilience of learning systems through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in developing countries and areas of armed conflict. Given the Republic of Korea's strength in IT, we are so glad that UNESCO serves as an arena for us to draw on our strength to promote peace around the world.

The Republic of Korea contributes to the implementation of UNESCO’s strategic priorities, programmes and development agenda as part of its extensive network, including 7 UNESCO’s Category 2 Institutes and Centres in Korea. And indeed through global recognition awards such as the UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize. The UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize means so much to us too. King Sejong, centuries ago, in the face of overwhelming illiteracy created a simple alphabet which enabled the population to achieve an incredible level of literacy. We are so glad that this wise measure far back in our history resonates through time in this form, thanks to UNESCO. The seeds planted through this are bearing fruit for peoples of the world.

Many people in various countries love K-Pop these days. I too personally am delighted that K-Pop and Korean films are enjoyed so widely. Our cultural activities are thriving. And this thread, it stretches far back in our history. Our cultural legacy is precious to us. And we are therefore so glad to be a part of UNESCO for this reason. A modern, vibrant nation, Korea treasures its cultural heritage. And UNESCO plays an admirable role in enabling peoples to safeguard the aspects of their culture which are the very foundation of their present. The Republic of Korea preserves a wealth of valuable cultural and natural heritage with outstanding universal value, a total of 16 properties of which have been inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. In addition, the Republic of Korea is proud to have a total of 22 elements inscribed on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO, 18 documentary heritage items on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register, 9 Man and Biosphere Reserves, 5 Geoparks and 12 Creative Cities.

It is indeed well worthy of note that UNESCO's cultural heritage has been playing a crucial bridging role, as in the case of the first-ever joint inscription by the two Koreas for their shared heritage of the traditional Korean wrestling, Ssireum. In this regard, the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO pledges to cooperate to further enhance the practical effectiveness of the joint nomination process and uphold the spirit of joint inscription by separate parties.

The Korean Delegation will continue to contribute to the evolution of the World Heritage Convention, and the preservation and safeguarding of the priceless tangible and intangible heritage of humanity. We also hope the Republic of Korea can be as widely represented as possible by Korean nationals serving within the Secretariat. In this way we look forward to playing an even fuller role in pursuit of the great work of UNESCO.

It is my sincere hope that this official website will serve as an effective means to encourage communication and the exchange of information between Koreans and UNESCO. And also as a useful medium for Korean public diplomacy to enable genuine engagement in the international community. Lastly, on behalf of the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO, I reaffirm that I will engage in untiring efforts for my Delegation to play a bridging role in UNESCO and indeed the global community.

I thank you so much once again for visiting the website. I would indeed most deeply appreciate your continued interest and support.

Ambassador and the Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Korea to UNESCOH. E. Ms. BAK Sang Mee