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Notice Adoption_DNA Test and Birth Family Search


As of January, 2020 the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Korean National Police Agency will provide services to collect and register the DNA of overseas Korean adoptees, who do not have identifying birth parent information through Korean Consulates in adoptive countries. Collected DNA data will be registered to Korean police agency's missing children database.


Korean adoptees who have petitioned for Birth family search (Adoption Information Disclosure) service from NCRC or an adoption agency and can't verify their birth parents' identity as there is no or inadequate identifying information of birth parents.

 How to apply  

 Petition Birth family search(Adoption Information Disclosure) and confirming eligibility for DNA test

 Adoptees who have petitioned before and simply want to do DNA test may skip this stage.

- Petition Birth family search(Adoption Information Disclosure) with Adoption agency or National Center for the Rights of the Child (NCRC). Adoptees will be provided with adoption records and thereby be confirmed eligibility for the DNA test.

* Please find the leaflet(3rd attached file) and petition form(3rd attached file)   

 Receive ‘Certificate’ confirming eligibility for DNA test issued from NCRC

To do the genetic testing through Korean consulates, Certificate that confirms eligibility for the DNA test issued from NCRC is needed. To request the certificate please submit request form for the certificate along with your copy of ID (Passport preferred) and adoption records. NCRC will issue the certificate and provide it to adoptee. This will be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

* Please find the request form(2nd attached file)   

 Contact the Korean consulate to make a reservation for DNA test

Before visiting the Korean consulate, adoptee has to contact the Korean Embassy(Consulate) and make an appointment for DNA test.

(Please bring the certificate and your ID on your visit day)

 Process of family search through DNA test 

  Korean Embassies(Consulates) collect DNA samples from adoptee after checking the certificate from the adoptee and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

 Collected DNA sample will be delivered to the Korean National Police Agency(NPA)

 NPA will update database and refers genetic test comparison with the DNA data of families of missing children to the National Forensic Service through NCRC.

 DNA matching results will be notified to adoptees through the Korean Embassy(Consulate). When the matching DNA is found, the Korean Embassy(Consulate) will collect a DNA sample from the adoptee again for second verification.

 When the DNA matching is finally confirmed, the Korean Embassy(Consulate) will notify the test result to the adoptee and guide the adoptee to NCRC to receive services for family reunion.

 NCRC will support the family reunion by providing interpretation and counseling service.

 NCRC also provides additional search methods for adoptees who are unable to locate their birth parents.

If you are interested in additional search avenues, please follow the link 


