The National Library of Korea is conducting a demand survey regarding the「2021 Korea Reference Room Overseas Installation Funding Project: Window On Korea (WOK)」. We look forward to the participation of many institutions.
1. Demand Survey Outline
The National Library of Korea will be conducting a demand survey targeting foreign national libraries for the「2021 Window on Korea (WOK) Overseas Installation Funding Project」. This year marks the 14th anniversary of the 「Window on Korea (WOK) Overseas Installation Funding Project」that was launched in 2007. Institutions selected for the project will be provided with Korea-related materials as well as funding for the WOK installation.
2. Project Objective
Recently, interest in Korea and Korean culture has been growing significantly all around the world as a result of the impact of the Korean Wave. Accordingly, the National Library of Korea would like to continuously provide related materials and information for researchers and others that are interested in the Korean history and culture. Also, the National Library of Korea plans to contribute to the growth of library culture both in Korea and foreign countries by continuously building networks with foreign libraries and cultural institutions.
3. Project Outline
The outline of the「2021 Window on Korea (WOK) Overseas Installation Funding Project」is as
A. Project Title
ㅇ Installation and Operation of Window on Korea (WOK)
B. Target Institutions
ㅇ Major foreign libraries
C. Main Contents
1) Installation of Window on Korea (WOK)
Installation funding & material support for the installation of Window on Korea (WOK)
a. Installation Funding
ㅇ Funding for bookshelves, computers, reading desks, chairs, information signs, etc.
- The final amount (approx. $20,000) for equipment support will be determined in cooperation with the corresponding institution, excluding the expense for the opening ceremony.
- If the shared space or area measures 50㎡ or less, support of $15,000 at maximum will be provided
- All detailed document evidence must be submitted in time of the final payment.
※ Facility and equipment support must be processed by the Korean Embassy·Consulate General (Korean Cultural Center) in the jurisdiction of the library.
b. Resource Supply
ㅇ 3,000 books provided per institution during the first year of installation
- Corresponding institutions (WOK Host) will select desired WOK materials from the list provided by the NLK. If necessary, the institutions can request for additional Korea-related materials not specified in the list.
ㅇ Resources provided
- Korea-related domestic and foreign books; non-book materials (DVD, CD)
(Subjects that the corresponding institution is interested in are reflected when completing the list of selections)
- Reference materials and Korean language learning materials for operating Window on Korea (WOK) provided
Window on Korea (WOK) Reference Room Organization
a. Resources Arrangement
ㅇ In principle, resources should be arranged within an exclusive area only for Korea-related materials.
ㅇ However, materials can exceptionally be placed in a shared area (secure adequate space and concentrate WOK materials in one area)
※ Also, unless there is a very specific and inevitable reason at the corresponding institution, the original facility must be maintained as it was installed. In inevitable cases, prior discussions are necessary.
b. Information Sign Attachment
ㅇ “Window on Korea”
- Information signs must be attached where users can easily spot them, such as near the WOK entrance, ceiling or wall, depending on the institution.
※ No special limits on the size or shape of the signs. Logo image files will be provided
2) Window on Korea (WOK) Operation Support
a. Signing of MOU and WOK Operation
ㅇ WOK is operated in accordance with an MOU signed between the NLK and the corresponding institution on cooperation for “Window on Korea”.
b. WOK Resource Supply
ㅇ About 200 books are provided every year for 5 years after the installation is completed.
※ A decision on whether to continue operating the WOK is made through consultation between the NLK and the corresponding institution after 5 years have passed since the initial installation.
c. Operating Condition Investigation
ㅇ Investigating the operating conditions and receiving suggestions on improvements and other problems
- Survey (Once a year), site inspection
ㅇ Survey results will be reflected in the support extension review etc.
d. Cultural Program Support Activity
ㅇ Support provided for cultural programs for interested institutions
- Programs associated with Korean Cultural Center in the corresponding country
4. Promotion Schedule
The main promotion schedule of this project is as follows.
A. Receive application : Nov 2(Mon) 2020 ~ Dec 21(Mon) 2020
B. Review applications and notify selected institutions : Jan 2021
C. Request and receive detailed plans for installation : Feb 2021
D. WOK installation : Mar 2021 ~ Dec 2021
• Request for resource selection & provide selected Resources; provide installation funding support
• Submit project account adjustment and expense report for payment
※ Opening ceremony and MOU signing schedules will be consulted separately depending on the circumstances
of the NLK and the corresponding institution.
5. Application Form Submission Guide
Institutions that would like to participate in the『2021 Window on Korea (WOK) Overseas Installation Funding Project』must fill out the application form and submit it via e-mail.
A. Submission Deadline (in the Applicant’s Time Zone)
ㅇ 2021 WOK Installation: by Monday, December 21, 2020
B. Required documents: 1 application form (Please refer to the attached sheet.) .
C. Submit to:
Korean Consulate General in Boston
• E-mail:
6. Decision and Notification
A. Institution Selection Policy for Window on Korea (WOK) Installation
Institutions are selected for the Window on Korea (WOK) installation based on : the submitted application form; the institution’s need for installing the WOK; the institution’s resource utilization ; and other ripple effects.
* To avoid overlap with similar projects by different institutions, institutions also applying for
the ‘Korea Corner’ by the Korea Foundation will not be considered for the WOK project.
B. Notification of selected institutions for Window on Korea (WOK) installation
ㅇ 2021 WOK Installation : January, 2021
7. Other
A. Submitted documents must not be used for any purpose other than the『2021 Window on Korea (WOK) Overseas Installation Funding Project』.
B. Submitted documents will not be returned.
C. Questions and application form submission
Any questions regarding the『2021 Window on Korea (WOK) Overseas Installation Funding Project』as well as applications can both be submitted to the following.
• E-mail: