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Consular/Visa Service

Visa board

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F-6 (Spouse of Korean National) Visa


Eligible Applicants
 - Spouses of Korean nationals

Required Documents
※ Items subject to change depending on individual circumstances

1. A completed Visa application
2. A recent passport photo (3.5 x 4.5cm, colour photo)
3. Passport (Original)
4. Original and a photocopy of Marriage Certificate from Korea(혼인관계증명서)
5. Certificate of residence registration, personal information and family relationship of Korean spouse(주민등록등본, 기본증명서, 가족관계증명서)
6. A photocopy of spouse’s valid passport OR permanent Resident Card (or documents pertaining to legal status) 
7. Certificate of Guarantor
8. Marriage invitation letter and Personal Details Form(Please check attached file above)
9. Proof documents of Income and Korean Language capability
10. Documents proving residency requirements(copy of real estate register or rental agreement)
11. Financial Supporting Letter (Optional. For applicant who cannot qualify condition of income. Please check attached file above)
12. Visa Fee: Please Check the article "[IMPORTANT] VISA FEES" on the visa information page. 

* We Can Provide Only 90 Days, Single Entry Visa (The applicants need to extend the visa in Korea)
