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OECD 채용정보

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  2. OECD 채용정보
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('21.1.10 마감) Mediator 중재관

주 오이시디 대표부
('21.1.10 마감) Mediator  중재관
 기구 OECD
 부서 Human Resource Management (EXD/HRM) - Paris
 직책 Mediator
 학력 Advanced university degree, preferably in mediation, conflict resolution, social sciences, industrial relations, human resources management, psychology, or law, or equivalent substantive work experience.  Recognised training, qualifications and registration in the field of mediation would be expected.
 경력 유관경력 (자세한  경력조건은  공고문  원문링크  참조)
 계약기간 2 (연장가능)  Intellectual services contracts of two year fixed-term, with the possibility of renewal for a three-year period.
 월보수 경력에  따라  지급.  Remuneration will depend on the experience of the selected candidate, for each effective day of work within the limits of 6 days per month,except in exceptional circumstances duly authorized by the Head of Human Resource Management.
 공고번호 Job Number 14012
 마감일 2021.1.10() 11:59:00 PM (프랑스시간기준)
