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제14차 APEC 각료회의 발언문


Ⅰ. Counter-Terrorism and Trade Facilitation

  1. Thank you, Chairpersons. At the outset, I would like to congratulate Mexico for consolidating the true transpacific partnership as the first APEC host in Latin America.
  2. Turning to the subject on terrorism, I strongly condemn the abominable crime recently committed against civilians in Bali, Indonesia and Philippines, and offer my deepest condolences to the bereaved families of the victims.  Now I feel terrorists are everyone’s doorsteps. Faced with the tremendous challenge, we should stand together and demonstrate our unswerving resolve to those who have committed acts of terrorism.
  3. As it is obvious that benefits accruing from our cooperation could not be attained without security, APEC is the right forum to deal with the economic security for achieving the goals and visions of APEC. I therefore welcome the US initiative on Counter-terrorism statement, which aims to enhance both security and economic activities.
  4. In particular, Korea appreciates the STAR (Secure Trade in APEC Region) Initiative as indispensable for fostering safer trading and business environment. The task ahead of us is to develop smart processing   and create the win-win situation for achieving the twin objectives, i.e., enhancing the security and, at the same time, minimizing the increase in transaction costs.
  5.  In order to exercise the smart processing, it is necessary to enhance information exchange and to make relevant know-how and sophisticated equipment available to member economies. In this regard, we have to devise more concrete steps to assist developing economies to strengthen their capacity building.

  6. Korea has maintained its unflagging positionagainst all forms of international terrorism. We have taken comprehensive measures to translate the international norms into domestic regulations in order to strengthen overall preparedness against terrorism.

  7. In addition to domestic actions, Korea will continue to promote cooperation with other economies to strengthen counter-terrorism measures and assist developing economies to step up their capacity to prevent terrorist acts.

  8. I would like to express serious concerns over the issue of WMD of North Korea. The development of WMD by North Korea is a very, very serious matter not only against stability and peace on the Korean peninsula but also the non-proliferation regime.

  9. The ROK government firmly opposes North Korea's ambition to develop nuclear weapons. We will continue to strengthen the close coordination and cooperation with other members for the thorough examination of North Korea's newly raised clandestine nuclear weapons program and its absolute termination

  10. We believe that the issue of North Korea's nuclear weapons program should be resolved by peaceful means through dialogue. We urge North Korea to immediately comply strictly and fully with international obligations and to join the international society as a responsible member. We should let them realize that they have been too long on the wrong side of history. Thank you.
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