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G20 계기 한미일 외교장관회의 모두발언(2.22.)


한미일 외교장관회의 모두발언

2024.2.22., 리우데자네이루

I am very delighted to participate in my first trilateral meeting today. 

It’s a great pleasure to be here with you in person, Tony and Yoko/Minister Kamikawa.

Today’s meeting is very meaningful in many ways.

First, it’s the first trilateral meeting of the year.

The start of the year is always a fitting time to take stock of what our countries have accomplished together and discuss priorities for the months ahead.

Second, this year marks the 30th anniversary of the first-ever trilateral summit held in 1994.  

This gathering therefore represents a symbolic milestone in our journey together.

Third, this is our first-ever trilateral Foreign Ministers’ meeting to be held in South America. 

It is emblematic of our global reach and our commitment to meet whenever and wherever we can.

I look forward to a fruitful and meaningful discussion for further strengthening our trilateral relationship. Thank you.

만족도 조사 열람하신 정보에 대해 만족하십니까?