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주한 EU 대표부 주최 'EU-한반도' 세미나시 김재섭 외교통상부차관 연설문


New Government's Policy toward North Korea



    Ambassador Prince, Excellencies, Distinguished Participants and Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Morning,


    It gives me great pleasure to take part in this Conference today.  I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Delegation of the European Commission to Korea for organizing this highly meaningful event.  I am most certain that today's Conference will help to deepen our understanding of the situation on the Korean Peninsula and identify the role the EU can play to further promote peace and stability here.


    Ladies and Gentlemen,


    I would like to take this opportunity to give you a brief overview of the new government's policy towards North Korea.

    "The Policy for Peace and Prosperity", as it has been termed by President Roh Moo-hyun, shares the broad framework of the previous government's Sunshine Policy.  However, some significant refinements have been made.  A greater emphasis is placed on transparency, national consensus, and reciprocity from North Korea.  Furthermore, the policy goes beyond the bounds of the Korean Peninsula, and envisages Korea playing a proper role in building a more prosperous Northeast Asia.


    Prerequisite to the successful pursuit of the new policy is the peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue.  The Korean government's efforts in this regard are guided by the following three principles: North Korea's nuclear weapons ambitions will not be tolerated under any circumstances; the nuclear issue should, however, be resolved peacefully through dialogue; and Korea should play a commensurate role in reaching a peaceful resolution.


    Ladies and Gentlemen,


    North Korea's highly enriched uranium (HEU) program, revealed last October, has created tensions once more on the Korean Peninsula.


    The North has been persistent in its demands for direct bilateral talks and a non-aggression treaty with the United States.  On the other hand, the US has been firm in its position that this issue is inherently international in nature and therefore must be addressed in a multilateral manner.


    The Korean government shares the view that a multilateral formula can serve as an effective vehicle for seeking a peaceful resolution to this issue.  In that regard, our Foreign Minister is visiting Washington to seek a common strategy.

    The European Union has been active in engaging North Korea through dialogue and various exchanges.  Most of the EU member states have already established diplomatic ties with North Korea.


    The European Union's summit on March 21 reiterated the EU's firm commitment and willingness to contribute to a peaceful resolution of the nuclear impasse.  The Korean government welcomes the Presidential Conclusion which was most timely and fully reflects our common understanding of the situation.


    The people and government of Korea are grateful to the EU for the support which it has rendered for long in reducing tension and securing peace on the Korean Peninsula.


    On a final note, I would like to say that my government values the relations with the European Union.  We look forward to working closely with the EU to further strengthen our partnership.


    Thank you.


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