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사회경제적 격차 심포지움 리셉션 환영사


Remarks by

H.E. Yu Myung-Hwan,

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

of the Republic of Korea

at a Reception on

APEC Symposium on Socio-economic Disparity




June 28, 2006


        Deputy Minister Le Cong Phung,

        Professor Richard Cooper,

        Dr. Peter Orszag and Distinguished Participants,


        I would like to welcome and invite all of you to participate in the APEC Symposium on Socio- economic Disparity, which will be held tomorrow here in Shilla Hotel.  I especially thank those of you who have traveled a long way to get here today.


        Taking this opportunity, I would also like to express my sincere thanks to the Vietnamese government for its tireless efforts to make the ongoing process of APEC 2006 under the theme of “Towards a Dynamic Community for Sustainable Development and Prosperity” a great success.  I strongly believe that this symposium will contribute in our efforts to achieve sustainable development and prosperity for all.



        As you all know, the APEC leaders, who gathered in Busan last year, acknowledged the importance of ensuring that all people in our region have the opportunity to share the benefits generated by trade liberalization and economic growth.  They also agreed to conduct a study on socio-economic disparity issues.  As a result, the study is now underway and our discussions at this symposium will be an integral part of the report.  It will be submitted to our Leaders in Hanoi this coming November.   


        There is no doubt that trade and investment liberalization greatly contributes to the economic growth and welfare of the people in the APEC region.  Last year in Busan, APEC members confirmed this through the Midterm Stocktake on the progress toward achieving the Bogor Goals.  However, the rapidly transforming global economic landscape and increased regional integration have also posed some challenges such as the widening gap of disparity among sectors and groups in both developed and developing economies.

        In this regard, we are facing the common task of addressing the challenge of economic and social disparity in our respective economies.  We must exert our best efforts to guarantee that the benefits of trade and investment liberalization and economic growth can reach all people and bring about sustainable economic growth as well as further promotion of  liberalization.


        Tomorrow’s symposium will consist of three main sessions, followed by a wrap-up.  At the first session, we will observe the current status of socio-economic disparity as a worldwide phenomenon.  At the second session, we will share experiences and policy responses regarding the socio-economic disparity among APEC members.  At the third session, we will explore the model policies and best practices in facing the challenges of socio-economic disparity.


        I expect that our discussions tomorrow will be both active and fruitful and will help us in our effort to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity.

        Since its launch in 1989, APEC has made great achievements in trade and investment liberalization as well as economic growth.  Now, it is our task to make this growth sustainable and shared by all our people.  In this context, I believe that tomorrow’s symposium will indeed be valuable in expanding the scope of beneficiaries of trade liberalization and economic growth.


        On that note, I hope you will enjoy this evening, meeting old friends and making new ones.  I also look forward to the many creative ideas and practical suggestions that will be put forth tomorrow as we discuss ways for reducing socio-economic disparity in our economies.


        And now, I would like to raise our glasses in a toast to the success of this symposium. Thank you.




(제2차관/2006.6.28/Reception on APEC Symposium on Socio-economic Disparity/지역협력과)




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