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한미협회 연설


Congratulatory Remarks

on the occasion of the

2006 Korean-American Friendship Night Dinner

hosted by the Korean-American Association


November 2, 2006, Grand Hyatt Seoul




Chairman and Mrs. Koo Pyong-Hwoi,

Honorary Chairman Song In-sang,

Ambassador and Mrs. Vershbow,

Distinguished members of the Korean-American Association,

Ladies and gentlemen,


Let me first offer my sincere congratulations to the esteemed members of the Korean-American Association for holding of the “Fifth Korean-American Friendship Night Dinner.”  I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to the Association for all the efforts it has exerted to strengthen the relationship between Korea and the United States.  For more than 40 years, the Korean-American Association has been instrumental in promoting friendship and mutual understanding between our two nations and peoples.  In this regard, my profound thanks go to Chairman Koo Pyong Hwoi for his outstanding leadership.


This comprehensive and vibrant partnership between Korea and the United States we witness today is indeed the result of the combined zeal and support of people in every sector and area of our societies, many of whom are represented here tonight.  


Among all these many contributors, I have the honor to acknowledge one remarkable individual whose contributions to the friendship between our two countries is particularly noteworthy ? former Prime Minster Nam Duk-woo.  Throughout his impressive career both in and outside of the government, Dr. Nam has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to the strengthening of our ties.  So I am pleased to join everyone here tonight in extending heartfelt congratulations to him for receiving the annual Korean-American Association Friendship Award.


(The Status of Korea-U.S. Relations)


Tonight, as we celebrate the dynamic ties between our two countries, I am happy to report that Korea and the U.S. have become strategic partners in global affairs.  Last November, our two Presidents laid out a vision for a future-oriented comprehensive partnership.  Already, our two nations are working together to deal with a host of global issues, such as terrorism, elimination of poverty, human rights, environment, and humanitarian assistance in times of crises.  In particular, Korea has joined forces with the United States both in Iraq and Afghanistan to bring peace and freedom to their peoples.  We are convinced that the cooperation between our two countries on the global war on terror would serve to strengthen the Korea-U.S. alliance.


Meanwhile, on the economic and social front, we’ve taken the bold, yet determined step to enter into negotiations on a landmark bilateral Free Trade Agreement.  We have also begun serious efforts, through consultations within our government as well as with the U.S., to realize Korea’s inclusion in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program.  By facilitating the movement of both goods and people, these endeavors will ultimately help elevate our bilateral relationship to a new, truly comprehensive level.  


(The North Korea Challenge)


The most pressing concern in the security area remains North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, especially since North Korea conducted its nuclear test on October 9 despite strong warnings from the Korean government and the international community.  In this regard, we are maintaining close cooperation with the international community to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula by faithfully implementing the unanimously adopted UN Security Council Resolution 1718 on this matter.


Fortunately, as a result of the meeting held among the U.S., North Korean and Chinese heads of delegations to the Six Party Talks two days ago, North Korea has agreed to come back to the Six Party Talks.  


We welcome such development and hope that the Six Party Talks will indeed be resumed at an early date.  We hope the resumption of the Talks would lead to an agreement on the implementation of the Joint Statement adopted at the Six Party Talks last September so that denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula could soon be realized.  


Towards this end, the Korean government will continue to concentrate our diplomatic efforts, through close consultation with the U.S. and other participating parties of the Six Party Talks, to do our part in resolving the North Korean nuclear issue and securing peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.


(Towards a Brighter Future)


Let me finish with a more positive note.  To all our great joy and pride, Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon has officially been selected as the next Secretary General of the United Nations.  Throughout his career, Minister Ban has played a key role in furthering the ties between Korea and the U.S.  Now, as he moves onto his new position to deal with broader issues that the international community faces, I am certain that he will play an even more important role in promoting the very ideals and values shared by our two countries, such as freedom, democracy, and human rights.


In closing, may I once again offer my congratulations to Former Prime Minister Nam on receiving the 2006 Friendship Award.  And my heartiest thanks as well to Chairman Koo, and all the members of the Korean-American Association, for an enjoyable and uplifting evening. /END/   




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