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한-멕 고위정책협의회 오찬사


Remarks by H.E. Yu Myung-Hwan,

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

at a


in honor of

H.E. Lourdes Aranda Bezaury

Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mexico

- May 29, 2006 -

Shoenbrunn, Hotel Lotte



Her Excellency Vice Minister Aranda(아란다),

the Mexican delegation,

Distinguished Guests!

It is indeed a great pleasure to have you here with us today on this occasion. I would like to extend my warmest welcome to Vice Minister Aranda (아란다), once again.

Last year marked the centennial of Korean immigration to Mexico, the land that gave Korean immigrants a new home and opportunity. Since then, Korea and Mexico have been developing closer and friendlier ties, bringing the relationship closer as we continue to bind it in various areas of cooperation.

Today, Mexico is no longer an exotic and foreign land, nor it is a land that is out of our reach due to its distant location. Rather, Mexico has become a close and valuable nation in diverse ways. For example, a song titled "Besame Mucho (베사메 무쵸)" has been an all-time favorite hit for many Koreans and Mexican food, "tacos (타코스)" is recently gaining popularity among young people.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1962, we have maintained strong relations based on traditional friendship and close affinity.  The State Visit made by presidents from both countries have produced substantial results that have brought Korea and Mexico to forge stronger bonds of cooperation and goodwill in many fields, which include the political, economic, and cultural sectors. Indeed, the ‘High-level Policy Consultation Meeting' held this morning is symbolic of the strengthened cooperative relations between our two countries.

As for Korea, we hope to contribute to the common goal of world peace and democracy by playing a leading role in reforming the UN so that it could fully address the new challenges of the 21st century. As you may know, the Korean government recommended H.E. Ban Ki-moon, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade as its candidate for the post of the next Secretary-General.  I look forward to your continued support and active role in creating a momentum in the Latin American region for his candidacy.

I sincerely hope that this visit will provide Your Excellency  a valuable opportunity to become better acquainted with the Korean people and the culture, and I also hope that your stay in Korea is both rewarding and memorable.

May I now ask all of you to join me in a toast to the health and success of Her Excellency Vice Minister Aranda and  to the everlasting friendship between Korea and Mexico.





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