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Remarks by H.E. Yu Myung-Hwan,

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

at Luncheon

with GRULAC Ambassadors

-  April 27, 2006 -

Shoenbrunn, Hotel Lotte



Ambassador Alfredo Ungo, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in Korea,   Distinguished Ambassadors of GRULAC,

Dear Colleagues,

        It is a great pleasure and honor to host this luncheon for GRULAC Colleagues.  I would especially like to thank you all for your presence at this meaningful gathering.

        In many years of serving my government as a diplomat, I have had special experiences of becoming familiar with the Latin American and the Caribbean region. I had the valuable opportunity of being posted to the Korean Embassy in Barbados as Counselor and served as the Director-General for American Affairs Bureau.  The Bureau covered all American countries from Canada to Chile to Agrentina before it divided into two different Bureaus.

        Last month, I had the chance to taste the Latin American Culture when I attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition of Arts of Latin American Diplomats. There, I was able to recognize the efforts Your Excellencies are making to promote cultural exchange between Korea and Latin America.

        It is my wish that you and I, while gathering here today, discuss ways to further the already firm relations between Korea and Latin America. 


        First, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to all of you for the efforts you exerted to increase the level of cooperation between Korea and Latin America in a wide range of fields.

        The cooperative relationship between Korea and Latin America continue to grow at a considerable pace. President Roh Moo-hyun visited Mexico and Costa Rica last year, following his tour of South America in 2004. President Roh's visit to Latin America past two years in a row is a clear demonstration of Korea's great interest in further strengthening the cooperative relationship with Latin American countries. 

        Moreover, Korea, as the Regional Coordinator of FEALAC for East Asia, is quite zealous in strengthening ties between East Asian and Latin American countries.

        As relations continue to develop between Korea and Latin America, Korea regards Latin America as a reliable partner and we can witness the level of cooperation overcoming the limitations of geographical distance and cultural differences.

        There has also been the momentum that further fosters our friendship.  Last year's celebration of the centennial anniversary of Korean immigration to Mexico served as a key milestone in this aspect.

        Korea has also been placing great importance on increasing the level of economic cooperation with Latin America.

        The Latin American economy has enjoyed 3 consecutive years of remarkable economic growth. Last year alone, the Latin American economy registered a 4.3% growth rate in export-led growth.  In 2004, Latin America particularly celebrated a monumental 5.9% growth rate in exports, a record high growth rate that has not been seen for 25 years. 

        Last year was also a very meaningful one in trade between Korea and Latin America. The Korea-Latin American trade volume reached US$ 22 billion, surpassing a US$ 20 billion mark for the first time. This increase in trade volume is attributed to the stable economic growth in Latin America in recent years and the strong demand for Korean products in Latin American society.

        Korea's direct investment in Latin America increased significantly thanks to the efforts by Latin American countries to attract foreign investment beginning in the 1980s. At the end of 2005, Korea's total investment to the region amounted to US$ 4.4 billion,  representing 7.6% of Korea's total foreign direct investment(US$ 58 billion).

        The Korean investments in Latin America were traditionally dependent on the textile industry. Since the 1990s, however, Korea has been rapidly expanding its investments in natural resources development such as crude oil and natural gas development, and the high-tech Industry.  

        On another front, the Korea-Chile FTA celebrated its second anniversary three weeks ago. Korea strives to further promote free trade with the Latin American region.  Presently, we are negotiating with Mexico in creating a Strategic Economic Complimentation Agreement and also conducting a joint study with MERCOSUR. I hope that FTAs between Korea and Latin America will provide a sound foundation for strengthening economic relations between Korea and Latin America and forecasts a bright future for our economic ties.

         Furthermore, various forms of cultural and personnel exchanges between Korea and Latin America have helped bridge the gap toward common understanding for cooperation.  They have indeed served to foster deeper mutual understanding between our  peoples.

        Distinguished Ambassadors!

         I would like to briefly touch upon the candidacy of Minister Ban Ki-moon for the post of next UN Secretary-General to succeed Mr. Kofi Annan. 

        We believe that the next Secretary-General of the UN should come from the Asian region in accordance with the past practices of the UN.  With experience undergoing successful economic growth rising out of the ashes of war, I believe Korea is poised to play a bridging role between developed and developing countries in the UN.

         Minister Ban is also a very capable candidate since he possesses outstanding abilities as a manager, negotiator, and problem-solver, not to mention his reputation as a man of integrity. With these fine characteristics, I believe he has both the skills and the intellect to be a very good Secretary-General of the UN. There is no doubt that he will make valuable contributions in solving the difficult tasks the UN is facing today and in the future.

         At this time, I count on the active support of Your Excellencies for Minister Ban's candidacy for the next UN Secretary-General.


         Your Excellencies!

           I believe we have the responsibility to step up and increase both the quantity and the quality of our cooperative efforts. I am confident that our common goal will be the momentum that further accelerates the growth in trade and investments in the future and maximize our potentials.

         In closing, I would simply like to assure Your Excellencies that I will not spare any efforts in assisting you in your diplomatic activities in my country. I would also request your invaluable support so that our friendly ties may flourish even more.

          May I now propose a toast to your continued good health, the success of your missions and everlasting friendship between Korea and Latin America and the Caribbean.

         Thank you (Muchas Gracias : 무차스 그라시아스).





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