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김호영 제2차관 레바논 지원 파리회의 연설문


Statement by Mr. Kim Ho-young,

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

of the Republic of Korea,

at the Paris Ⅲ Meeting on Lebanon,

January 25, 2007


His Excellency Mr. Jacques Chirac, President of the French Republic,

Mr. Secretary-General of the United Nations,


Ladies and gentlemen,


On behalf of the Republic of Korea, it is my great pleasure to be at this significant Conference on support for Lebanon.  

I would like to begin by saying that the Government of the Republic of Korea has learned that the situation in Lebanon, since the tragic events of last July, has been gradually stabilizing due to the diligent recovery efforts of the Lebanese Government and its people as well as the international cooperation.  

In this light, Mr Chairman, Korean government welcomes the economic reform program adopted by Lebanese government early this month. I believe that the concerted endeavours of the Lebanese government and its people is essential for the success of this comprehensive program. The continued assistance of the international community is also indispensable for the  process of growth, equity and political stability of Lebanon. Accordingly I would like to reaffirm Korea's strong support for the program and its success.   

Distinguished participants,  

Since the hostilities occurred last July, the Korean government has actively joined the international efforts to improve the humanitarian and economic situation in Lebanon.   

After the launch of UN OCHA's (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) flash appeal on Lebanon crisis, Korea immediately responded to this appeal for humanitarian aid to Lebanon by contributing 500,000 US dollars in cash and emergency medical supplies worth over 100,000 US dollars to Lebanon.  

The Korean Government also participated in the Stockholm Conference for Lebanon's Early Recovery last August. In that Conference, Korea made a pledge of 5 million US dollars for the Lebanese government's recovery plans. In close consultation with the Lebanese authorities, the Korean government has been implementing the commitment for the school construction project in southern Lebanon.  

Futhermore, I would like to remind you at this meeting that Korean government has recently decided to send 350 military personnel to UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon).  

Today, the Korean Government commits itself to contributing another    1 million US dollars to Lebanon. This contribution of additional 1 million US dollars, along with the assistance I have already mentioned, will be provided to support the economic reform program. We will provide more aid as appropriate in the future in accordance with the progress of the reconstruction of Lebanon.  

The decisions indeed reflect Korea's continuing support for the UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which calls for the collective responsibility of the international community to restore peace and stability of Lebanon.   

Mr. Chairman,  

I certainly believe that the Lebanese people are determined to build a strong state as assured in the reform program. Expressing my deep appreciation to the Government of France and to the international community as a whole for their earnest efforts, I would like to underscore once again that the Korean Government will continue to exert its best efforts for the full recovery and reconstruction of Lebanon.  

Thank you very much.      //End.

(제2차관/2007.1.25/레바논 지원 파리회의연설문/개발협력과)

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