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제63차 유엔아태경제사회이사회 라운드테이블 조중표제1차관 연설문



Round Table 발언문(안)

Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,

Let me begin by expressing my appreciation to the Executive Secretary for his informative presentation on the issue of health-related MDGs in Asia and the Pacific. He has indeed provided a valuable foundation for the discussions on this issue.

As I briefly referred to in my statement yesterday, the progress that needs to be made in health-related MDGs in the region is truly imperative.  There is a great deal to be done to reduce the under-five mortality rate and maternal mortality, and prevent the spread of tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases. Even the regional incidence of HIV/AIDS keeps growing. Compared to the success achieved in other areas of the MDGs, the lack of progress in health-related MDGs is all the more conspicuous.

Mr. Chairman,

There are a number of obstacles to progress in this area, such as deficiencies in medical infrastructure, a lack of health workers and a shortage of spending on health. However, the most serious hurdle is the lack of access to medical services. Therefore, any discussion on ensuring effective and equitable access to health services would not be complete without reference to the issue of health care systems.

In this regard, I wish to focus on, among other things, health insurance systems. In Korea's case, a sustainable health insurance system has played an important role in attaining its development goals.

Although Korea's health insurance system is now seen as an integral part of Korean people's lives, universal healthcare in Korea did not come as a natural result of economic growth. Korea introduced a health insurance system - the National Health Insurance, in 1977. At that time, Korea's Gross National Income (GNI) per capita was only USD 1,034. And even when Korea achieved universal healthcare coverage in 1989, GNI per capita was just USD 5,418 which is far below that of other industrialized nations.

It was Korean policy-makers' firm belief that investment in health is an essential part of the foundation for economic development, and therefore should not be delayed until after the achievement of economic development.

It is also noteworthy that Korea opted for a very realistic "step-by-step" approach. The first target of the health insurance program was firms with more than 500 employees.  The program then expanded gradually to government and private school employees in 1979, to self-employed in urban areas in 1988, and finally to self-employed in rural areas in 1989, to include all Koreans in 1989. A universal health care system cannot be achieved overnight.  Appropriate and creative polices should be devised, taking into consideration the situation in each country.

In addition, I wish to underline that, from the outset, Korea opted for and has stuck to a pro-poor policy of "low-cost for patients". Under the Korean National Insurance, a patient pays only 20 percent of medical costs while the insurer pays the remaining 80 percent. Thanks to this low cost policy, the poor's right to access to health services is fully guaranteed. This low-cost policy was possible because more than 50% of medical costs were covered by government.

As a result of the National Health Insurance, life expectancy grew by 23.1 years between 1960 to 2000. Infant mortality rates were reduced by 6.6% annually, representing the second fastest decrease among OECD countries over the past 30 years. A recurrence of tuberculosis and other communicable diseases has been effectively curbed.

Korea offers a clear example of the successful provision of universal healthcare by a low-income country. We are willing and prepared to share our experience with our neighboring countries.

Mr. Chairman,

The health divide is the worst form of inequality. Without sincere efforts to resolve it, progress we make in other areas loses its true value. It is our sincere hope that Korea's experience will inspire creative insights amongst high-level policy-makers, and prompt them to give priority to the health issue ahead of other tasks on the national agenda.

Thank you. /END/

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