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제65차 유엔총회 계기 민주주의 공동체(CD) 각료급회의 연설문


제65차 유엔총회 계기 민주주의 공동체(CD) 각료급회의 연설문(9.23, 뉴욕)

Mr. Chairman,

 I would like to begin by expressing my sincere appreciation to the Lithuanian Government for the excellent leadership demonstrated in fulfilling the Presidency of the Community of Democracies. Expressing also my gratitude to all the panelists and discussants for the insightful and inspiring discussions, I would like to offer my reflections on today’s theme, “Women as a Critical Force in Democratic Governance.”

Mr. Chairman,

 In the last century we have seen great leaps forward in women’s proactive engagement in political processes. The benefit of increased participation of women in politics and decision-making processes has not been limited to the promotion of women’s rights. It has also served to imbue even greater legitimacy and sustainability into democratic governance, thereby contributing to the consolidation of global democracy.

 Despite these achievements, however, it is true that women still remain underrepresented in many parts of the world. To give one example, the participation of women in legislative bodies is limited, with women accounting for only 19.2 % of parliamentarians around the world. This disappointing figure falls far short of the 30% target, set in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995.

Such inequality in the public arena, in fact, reflects the reality of unequal power relations at various levels which is still prevalent in many parts of the world.  It is indeed worrying that this power imbalance exacerbates discriminatory practices and institutions. And this in turn hinders the process of seeking to fully realize the potential of women as a critical force for democratic governance.

 In addressing this situation, I would like to emphasize the need for the empowerment of women through education and training.  This indeed is crucial in further securing their standing as equal members of democratic societies.  In tandem with such initiatives, efforts to mainstream gender-perspective in law- and policy-making to address the needs of women are an important element.

 Creating an enabling environment for women to participate in political processes and demonstrate their leadership is also a critical task.  This will require the nurturing of a sound political culture, including through the prevention of corruption and enhancement of transparency. 

Mr. Chairman,

 As well as strong political will on the part of States, I believe that concerted and coordinated efforts by the regional and international community are a significant element in advancing women’s engagement in democratic governance.  In this regard, I welcome the creation of the CD Working Group on Gender Equality, co-chaired by the US and Lithuania. As a member of this Working Group, my Government sincerely hopes that the activities of this Working Group shall bear fruit. I would also like to welcome the launch of the UN Women next year. The Korean Government, will render its full support to this important entity.

Mr. Chairman,

 The Republic of Korea, in the course of its process of rapid democratization, has continued to make sincere efforts to achieve progress in women’s participation in political processes, striving for the empowerment of women and eradication of discrimination against women.

 Political parties are currently required to ensure that women account for at least 50% of nominations for proportional seats in General Elections.  We are also implementing Gender Impact Assessment and Gender Responsive Budgeting, which seek to enhance gender equality as a result of the implementation of policies and budget spending.

 The Korean Government is also striving to strengthen support for capacity-building for women in developing countries. The projects carried out to this end include providing ICT training and vocational capacity-building programs for women.  I am convinced that these efforts shall indeed contribute not only to the empowerment of women, but indeed to the development of democratic governance in those countries.

Mr. Chairman,

 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon remarked on International Women’s Day this year that wherever people speak out against tyranny and injustice, women are among those voices. Indeed, democracy needs women as much as women need democracy.  I would like to take this chance to reaffirm the Republic of Korea’s support for the enhanced role of women in democracy.  It is my sincere hope that this meeting will serve to generate renewed commitment in the international community to the cause of both democracy and the empowerment of women.

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