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제1차관, 아프리카데이 축사(5.24)


Your Excellency Jean Pierre (쟝 삐에르) Sole-Emane (쏠레만),
Acting Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps in Seoul and Ambassador of Gabon,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very much honored to be here today to celebrate Africa Day with you. I am also very pleased to have the opportunity to get together with all our African friends and colleagues.

We commemorate today the 48th anniversary of the founding of the Organization of African Unity, now the African Union.
And I would like to take this chance to express my heart-felt congratulations to my African friends on all the achievements Africa has made over the decades in a whole range of fields.

Indeed, Africa is emerging as a new engine of growth for the world economy. 

According to a recent IMF report, Africa’s recovery from the crisis-induced slowdown is well under way.

In fact, economic growth is expected to average 5.5 percent this year, and 6 percent in 2012.

Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Korea is keen to accompany Africa on its journey to a bright future. Korea achieved industrialization and democratization in a short period of time.

With its economic growth over the decades, Korea has succeeded in becoming a G20 member and has embraced the vision of emerging as a “Global Korea”.

Now Korea is eager and willing to share the valuable lessons learned in this experience with our African friends.

The upcoming tour of Africa by the Korean President is part of our efforts to take Korea-Africa relations to a higher level. 

And we are furthermore planning to open two more embassies this year in Rwanda and Uganda.

As the G20 Seoul Summit last year has clearly demonstrated, Korea embraces a vision of playing a bridging role for international development cooperation. 

We hope to translate this vision into reality through the discussions at the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan in November this year.

As we celebrate Africa Day today, I am glad to share with you a great sense of optimism and excitement for a thriving future for the countries of Africa.

Korea will be your reliable friend and trusted partner as you stride forward towards your future.

As we say in Korea, our friendship is as strong as steel and as fragrant as orchid.

Thank you.  /END/

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