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제1차관, 한-멕시코 수교 50주년 기념 리셉션(1.31)


Ambassador 오르띠스 데 로사스
Dr.한영실, President of 숙명 Women's University
Distinguished Guests

Let me first of all express my heartfelt appreciation to 숙명 Women's University and the Mexican government for holding this wonderful exhibition of fine Mexican art.

This is indeed a great way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Korea and Mexico.

Mexico is one of our closest friends, a strategic partner with whom we have a robust economic relationship.

But to Koreans, Mexico means much more than this.

It is profound, the cradle of ancient civilizations such as Aztec and Maya.

It is passionate, as the song 베사메 무초 (Besame Mucho).

It is love of life and people, as in the paintings and lives of 디에고 리베라 and Frida(프리다) 칼로.

And of course, we cannot forget Tequila and Corona beer!

I am very happy to note that President 이명박 and President 깔데론 exchanged congratulatory messages on January 26, the day we established our diplomatic ties fifty years ago.

Commemorative stamps were issued in both our countries to celebrate this auspicious day.

Also, I am pleased to report that we will be opening the Korean Cultural Center in Mexico in March.

Once again, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to 숙명 Women's University and the Mexican government for organizing this great exhibition of Mexican art.

I am sure it will contribute immensely to the further deepening of Korea-Mexican ties. 

Thank you very much. /END/

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