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제2차관, 「2012 한미 우호의 밤(June Festival)」 축사(6.21, 하얏트호텔)


Good evening, Ladies & Gentlemen,
Usually Americans start their speech with a joke, while Koreans do with an apology. As a Korean I apology for not having prepared a joke for all of you.

President Han,
General Johnson,
Service members of the USFK and Their Families,
Distinguished Guests & Ladies & Gentlemen!

It is a great pleasure to be here at the 2012 June Festival.  I am honored to have the opportunity to speak to you this evening.

I would like to begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to President 한철수 and the members of the Korea America Friendship Society for all their hard work in hosting this meaningful event.

The Korea America Friendship Society has indeed proven a good friend.  It has played an invaluable role in fostering friendship and mutual understanding between our two peoples.

Tonight's festival is its signature event to honor those men and women who tirelessly strive for the further strengthening of the Alliance.  They do warrant our special recognition and appreciation.

In this regard, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to General Thurman for his dedicated service and admirable leadership as a commander of the USFK.  With his pressing commitments, he could not be here but we feel that he is here in spirit.  And I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to the five recipients of the Korea America Friendship Award on their most admirable achievements.

Please allow me to acknowledge each one by name : Specialist Daniel Wrobel(대니얼 로벨); Senior Master Sergeant Philip Fourroux(필립 프로우); Sergeant Adam Ellis(애덤 엘리스); Petty Officer Terence Richardson(테렌스 리차드슨); and Mr. Ricky Oxendine(리키 옥센다인).

I must say that I am quite jealous because I personally have never had much success at winning awards.  Partly what makes me so jealous of soldiers is that they are given awards on a performance basis.  Yet this award is even more special.

The Korea America Friendship Award, even though it is awarded by a private entity, may also be seen as a token of sincere gratitude from the Korean people for the contribution you have made.  So please treasure this award.

Distinguished Guests,

Today the U.S. partnership with Korea is one of the region's strongest.  It is arguably the greatest success story of American engagement with Asia.

Korea and the U.S. have established the strongest combined defense posture in the world.  It is a partnership forged in blood by the American troops who fought alongside Korean people.  With the range of existing and emerging security challenges including North Korea's nuclear and missile programs, we are deeply committed to strengthening our defense preparedness together.  This commitment is central to our relationship.

With the entry into force of the KORUS FTA, our two countries have taken the next step in strengthening the partnership for prosperity, creating opportunities on both sides of the Pacific.  The economic pact not only serves to create economic gains, but also promotes the movement of resources and exchange of people.  Such a change will allow the two nations to become more interrelated and interdependent, adding new dimensions to the alliance.

Yet the success of the alliance is not due solely to the work of governments in Seoul and Washington.  It would not have been possible without the dedication of the men and women serving on the front line of freedom.  It is my honor and privilege to have them here tonight.

Ladies and Gentleman,

Last week, the Foreign and Defense Ministers of our two countries met for the second time in Washington.

They reaffirmed that the Alliance is a linchpin of stability, security, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and increasingly around the world.  I believe that the robustness of the Alliance as demonstrated by the meeting is sending a meaningful message to the country behaving in a provocative and threatening way such as North Korea.

I firmly believe that with the bonds we have forged over the last few decades, our ties of friendship and cooperation shall indeed reach new heights.

And I am confident that our solid relations will serve as a stepping stone for the journey ahead of us, a journey towards greater peace and prosperity and towards values that we are very proud to share.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Tonight is a night for celebration. And a night to honor your achievements and efforts.

I would like to once again offer my congratulations to everyone and invite you to please enjoy this wonderful occasion.

Thank you all very much.   

외교통상부 이(가) 창작한 「2012 한미 우호의 밤(June Festival)」 축사 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.

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