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제2차관, 유엔의 날 기조연설(10.24)


Keynote Address
by H.E. Dr. Kim Sung-han

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
at Luncheon hosted by
the UN Association of the Republic of Korea
on UN Day 2012

24 October 2012


Ambassador Sun Joun Yung,
Vice President and CEO of the UN Association of the Republic of Korea (UNA-ROK),

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure to be here to celebrate the 67th United Nations Day. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the UN Association of the Republic of Korea (UNA-ROK) for organizing this meaningful gathering. I note with great appreciation the UNA-ROK’s continued efforts to bring people closer to the vision and activities of the United Nations.

This year is an extraordinary one in the history of ROK-UN relations. Just last week, the Republic of Korea was elected as a non-permanent member of the Security Council for the term of 2013-14. And during the weekend, Republic of Korea’s Songdo was selected to the hosting city of Green Climate Fund of the United Nations. Since the ROK became a full Member State of the United Nations in 1991, it has achieved a series of remarkable accomplishments including the Presidency of the 56th Session of the General Assembly, and the election and re-election of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. As for the Security Council, it is our second opportunity to serve on the Council following the 1996-97 term. Based on its accomplishments during the past two decades, together with its renewed enthusiasm and commitment, the Republic of Korea is determined to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security with its renewed dedication.

Moreover, the ROK is stepping up its contribution in UN peacekeeping activities. In addition to the 622 military and civil personnel serving in nine UN peacekeeping missions, the Republic of Korea has decided to dispatch an engineering unit to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan(UNMISS) to contribute to the reconstruction and stabilization of the newest member of the international community.

As a country which owes a great deal to the United Nations from its very inception, the ROK is fully committed to reciprocating for what it owes to the international community for its peace and security – both through deliberations in the Council chamber, and by showing the Korean flag where we are most needed by the international community.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The United Nations has contributed in significant ways to the maintenance of international peace and security, promoting human rights and advancing economic and social development for the last sixty-seven years.

However, the world is still facing daunting challenges. Let me state a few.

The situation in Syria is growing into a serious threat to international peace & human rights. Continued violence in Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and post-secession conflicts between Sudan and South Sudan are only a few major challenges before the United Nations as well as the international community.

The protection of women and children is another important task facing the United Nations. Ending violence against the vulnerable and ensuring the full participation of women in the process of social and economic development comprises a crucial element of the Secretary-General’s five-year action agenda.

Sustainable development is key to “The Future We Want,” as shown in the outcome document of the recently-held Rio+20 Conference. Together with the discussions on the post-2015 development agenda, the new framework discussed in the conference is expected to pave the way for the sustainable future. Concerted efforts of the globe are indispensable to make this a reality.

Such challenges are multifaceted and interconnected in nature. Addressing such challenges is a task beyond the capacity of a single country or a small group of nations. It is therefore imperative that the international community step up its efforts to make further use of the knowledge and wisdom that it has jointly accumulated in the United Nations

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Now is a time for us to renew our commitment to and galvanize support for the full realization of the ideals of the United Nations to meet those challenges. The participation of all stakeholders is crucial to this end, and we cannot over-emphasize the role of civil society. The role of the UNA-ROK is of great importance because of this reason: its role in enhancing public awareness of the vision of the United Nations, and in mobilizing public support for the activities of the UN is irreplaceable. The Korean Government stands firm in its determination to closely cooperate with the UNA-ROK to this end.

As we travel together on the path towards the third decade in the history of ROK-UN relations, I would like to conclude by stressing the Korean Government’s devotion to the successful accomplishment of the UN missions and by asking for your continued support for its noble endeavors.

Thank you.

외교통상부 이(가) 창작한 유엔의 날 기조연설 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.

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