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제2차관, 러시아의 날 리셉션 축사(6.11)


Ambassador Vnukov,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the Government and the people of the Republic of Korea, I would like to congratulate you and the people of Russia as you celebrate the Day of Russia today. It is a great privilege for me to be here with you this evening to honor Russia’s rich history and culture.

The Day of Russia marks the great transition and progress made by the people of Russia. The remarkable transition that took place in the early 1990’s opened a new chapter in the Russian history. The extraordinary progress witnessed in Russia since then could not have been possible if not for the depth, strength, and compassion – “dusha” – that are so much the characteristics of its people. Today, Russia is a major pillar in the community of nations, democratic and prosperous, with vast potential still waiting to be tapped.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me take this opportunity to make brief remarks on the Korea-Russia relationship, especially the progress we have made together over the years.

The relationship between our two peoples began on the plains of Russian Far East 150 years ago. As groups of Korean peasants emigrated to North in search of arable land, the Russian government welcomed them. Those brave Koreans became the pioneers of the Russian Far East and Siberia, calling themselves “koreytsy” in the language of their adopted home. This region also became an important stage for brave Korean patriots, as they fought to regain the independence of their lost country.

Our relationship came to a halt with the dawn of the Cold War. The ideological divide froze almost all aspects of bilateral exchanges. However, along with the fall of the Berlin Wall, Korea began to pursue “Nordpolitik” – paving the way to normalize relationship between Seoul and Moscow.

Over the past two decades, Korea and Russia have successfully built a strategic cooperative partnership. During this period, leaders of our two countries held 24 summit meetings. Trade volume between our two countries has increased by 116 times.

Today, our bilateral relationship encompasses political, economic, social, cultural, and scientific areas. We work together in UN and other international fora to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue, to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and to combat terrorism, piracy, crime in the cyberspace, and the spread of illicit drugs. We work together as members of WTO, APEC, and G20 to maintain stable international economic order as well as in the areas of aerospace and Arctic development to expand the horizon of humanity.

This is the path we traveled together so far and we have much more future to create together.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In Korea, President Park Geun-hye took office in February as the first female president in the history of Korea, as well as in Northeast Asia. Through her inaugural speech, President Park presented her vision to build a mechanism of peace and cooperation in Northeast Asia. We believe that this vision is a good match with President Putin’s “Looking East” policy that places high emphasis on the importance of the Asia-Pacific region.

Like the Russian saying “dobrae bratstva darodje bagatstva” meaning "a good fellowship is more valuable than a jewel", the true value of the partnership between Korea and Russia is far greater than our trade statistics. Together, we can open a new era of peace and prosperity for all peoples of Korea and Russia. Our strong friendship can be the foundation on which the lasting peace can be built in this part of the world. The best and the brightest minds of our two countries will expand the horizon for all humanity and create for all of us a better and a brighter future.

In celebration of the Day of Russia, let me suggest a toast to the good health and happiness of all of us present here tonight and to an everlasting friendship between Korea and Russia.

Ja Druzvu ! /The End/

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